Arc 1. Chapter 1-2

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So, my story officially begins here, after my parents sold me to the old man dressed as a butler and I was being taken by carriage to the viscount's mansion.

Decreased crop production my butt. You can't just sell your only daughter because this year's harvest wasn't good and had nothing to sell or pay your taxes with and so can't buy food and getting rid of me will be a mouth less to feed and it doesn't matter because you have another child anyway so the farm will have someone to take care of it when you die!

Even if they threatened to kill your entire family and seize the land afterwards it doesn't mean you can sell me for only three silver coins! Damn it, I'm worth a little more!

Though I was complaining in my mind, in reality I was trembling. The carriage bumped a lot because of the neglected road. It was simple, but the seats were comfortable and there was a roof that protected us from the sun. The butler and I were facing each other on the seats, and I wondered how he could honestly buy a child to sacrifice her and feel nothing.

Because he must know what the viscount's going to do to me, no? Otherwise, why would he buy me? My eyes kept going from him to the scenery beyond the window. He had a very intimidating aura, what with his muscular body that looked unfit to be in a butler's uniform and his bushy eyebrows above too stern eyes. I remembered him too. The hero had to fight with him as well in the manga. He was the viscount's right hand man, and if memory serves, he was a little too good at martial arts for my peace of mind.

But his name was never mentioned, and he died as well while protecting his master. Another extra then, huh? I didn't feel too happy to be a kindred spirit of sorts with this man.

Honestly, everything felt kind of surreal. Seeing things with my new perspective after recovering my memories was too weird. How do you honestly feel when you realize the world you live in had both a creator and a published date? It was kinda difficult for me to totally accept it, despite living now what I knew would be an important step for the plot's development.

Otherwise, and pushing my feelings aside, I knew I had to think quickly. Though I couldn't resist when he forcefully dragged me here, that doesn't mean I can't escape. The question is, now or while he's distracted as we step down the carriage?

I cleared my throat. "So... what are they going to do to me when we reach the viscount's mansion?"

I used my most defenseless, frail voice and moist eyes to ask what I already knew, but the butler's face was implacable. I swallowed. Well, even if the first try was a failure, I needed to keep testing so as to determine the best moment to run away. I talked again.

"They're not going to harm me, right? I was only bought to serve at the viscount's house, no?"

"If you keep talking, I'll cut off your tongue."

Wow, why so aggressive? But at least his answer gave me a clue. It was clear now. I knew what I had to do.

I stood up from my seat, opened the door and jumped out, stumbling a little and running directly to the forest beyond.

I was caught in ten seconds flat.

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