Arc 2. Chapter 2-2

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Darkness, so pure not a single ray of light can find its way to me. How long have I soaked in this darkness?


Ok, now talking seriously, where the hell am I?

It is... dark, and empty. I can't even see my own hands. But I know I am somewhere. Even if I can't see I can feel myself. I am standing. And I am wearing a dress, by the feel of the wide hem touching just above my knees.

Is this a dream? I'm not sure. It must be. I don't remember the last thing I was doing though. I try to concentrate, but nothing comes to mind. Just pieces of moments that I spent with my family, with Lucas.

I sigh. Just what is going on?

I stand there, unable to decide on a course of action due to being so confused. But then, I hear it. There is rustling just behind me. Unconsciously I turn around, or at least I think I do, but, just as expected, I see nothing.

This is seriously starting to spook me out.

Feeling my heart pounding in my ears, I tentatively step forward. I do not know if it would be wiser to move or stay still, but my instincts tell me something is coming closer, and it would be better for me to leave before it gets to me.

Slowly, I take a step forward, then another, and another. The ground under my feet feels grainy. It is sand, I am sure. There is no sound as I walk but I continue, determined, my arms extended in front of me so as to prevent myself from hitting anything, because while I can't see anything, it's obvious I am somewhere tangible.

Soon, my feet touch something different than the sandy ground. It is water, and as I touch it, something incredible happens. The ripples from my movement illuminate the water and me, however briefly. I gasp, moving the water again, and this time, I can see everything clearer.

I am wearing the same dress of the first time I talked with the dream viscount, giving me a clue as to where possibly I am. The water in front of me extends as far as the eye can see, but when I turn around the rest is still black and invisible to me. Only this part that is covered with water can be seen.

Fearing the darkness again, I keep moving, biting my lips and wondering where I should go now. I don't hear the rustling anymore, but that doesn't mean I am safe. And if this is truly the dreamscape from before, then it is much more dangerous.

Softly, and though it pains me, I try calling him. "Viscount? No..." I shake my head, remembering the boy I saw then wasn't a viscount yet. I try again. "Daniel? Are you here? Can you... please come out?"

I can't help it. He's the only person I know in this place. And I would rather see him than anyone... or anything else.

Silence is the only thing that answers me, and I gulp. Just how in the world did I end up here? I didn't try to come here consciously like all the other holders. I don't want to be here after everything I've read. So why? Why am I here? How do I get out?

"Calm down Elaine. Remember what he said... when you sleep, you come here, and when you wake up you leave... that means..." I need to wake up. Easier said than done. I shake my head. "Being pessimistic won't lead you anywhere..."

In that moment, I hear it again. That rustling sound. I gasp, just to cover my mouth immediately. I need to move.

Though I know the water gives away my location, I run inside it, feeling comfort in the light it gives me. However, as I enter more and more, the water starts gaining height. It reaches my knees before I know it, but I don't want to give up.

At least, not until my feet slip and I fall head first into the invisible water, into a watery pit where my feet can't touch the ground anymore.

I fight desperately to come back to the surface, my arms and legs flailing, turning my body around to search for the patch of ground I was standing on before, and to my relief, I find it a few seconds later. I climb, coughing up the salty water. I close my eyes, and hold back the tears forming there.

The rustling is closer now. Without wasting any more time, I turn horizontally and run along the edge of what I know now is the ocean, instead of getting further in. Whatever it is that's following me, I can't hear it over the sound of splashing water, but I know is there, close behind.

There is something rounded ahead, where the ripples collide against it, shaping it. I run towards it, thinking it might be a rock, realizing as I do so that, little by little, there is light again, like a dawn that slowly allows me to see my surroundings. The place I am in is definitely a beach, with a background of rocks and cliffs on the far edge of it and the ocean now having sound, the waves moving rhythmically under my feet. The rounded rock it's not one but a shell, dark purple and that extends towards the sky in the shape of a cone. It's enormous, bigger than I ever thought a shell could be.

Just as I am approaching it, the shell shakes. From below, crustacean legs appear, and the shell rises, only to start its way directly towards me.

I halt.


The voice doesn't come from the shell. It comes from behind me. A masculine voice that sounds out of this world. Startling out of my surprise, I turn and run towards the beach again, not looking back.


I don't see the shell before it collides against me, its speed amazing, throwing me on the water. It is fortunate the beach is shallow in this part, so I can sit, but the impact makes me roll for a long distance, making me swallow both sand and sea water that I cough out as soon as I stop. Just how is that thing so fast?

My mind blanks when a shadow moves above me. The surroundings are now clearer than before, but the only thing I can see is a shadow, not even in the shape of a person. It floats, pulsating like a heart, and it comes closer. I lean back, crawling on my hands. The shell is there to stop me, my back colliding against it.

"Let me free."

And before I know it something stabs me, in the stomach, right where the mark is. I scream, and trash, and use my hands to protect myself, but the shadow doesn't move. It doesn't even look like it's the one stabbing me. And despite that, the wound keeps getting bigger and bigger.


It's bleeding, my blood drips and mixes with the sea water.

"Elaine, stop."

I cry, being unable to do anything at all.

"This is not what I want."

"P-Please... let me go..." I sob, unable to control myself.


My eyes snapped open, my breathing hard but shallow. There was pain flowing from my abdomen along with something warm and sticky. I looked around, finding myself not on the beach, but somewhere else, somewhere darker and more familiar.

"Release that!"

Something was knocked out of my hands, clinking as it collided with the floor. I blinked, no longer confused. I knew where I was. This... this is the barn?

"Elaine" someone grabbed my face with a hand and turned it in their direction. I saw Lucas, pale and with eyes reflecting fear, and once again I was left confused. "Elaine, what were you thinking?" he asked; voice raw and full of concern.

I opened my mouth, wanting to say something, but then another thing caught my attention. Light, blue light, coming from...

"Ah..." I couldn't say anything else when I glanced down and saw my white nightgown red, while Lucas' hand hovered above my stomach, shining light blue.

I looked up at him, scared.


"Lie down. I'll pull up the gown to let the magic act directly. We need to stop the bleeding" Lucas commanded, still sounding agitated but serious. I did as he told me without complain, but my eyes never strayed from his.

"Lucas... what did I...?"

"You were stabbing yourself Elaine. Now just rest while I heal you and after that we can talk about it."

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