Arc 1. Chapter 2-4

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The day passed like that. I was offered a seat while Lucas played, and I used the opportunity to close my eyes and relax. I was unsure of what the future would bring, but at the very least I wanted to enjoy these small moments while I could. The lunch was a small awkward business, and in the end I could barely get Lucas to tell me anything about the necromancer. He was wary, and it frustrated me how one second he could blurt his family's history without a qualm and the next he would be as closed up as a clam. But that didn't mean I was gonna give up.

In the end, before I could invite him to dinner, one of the maids came to the music room, announcing Mathias wanted to speak with Lucas. By the expression on his face, I knew it couldn't be anything good. He excused himself quickly and I was guided back to my room by the guards.

And here I had been all alone since yesterday night. It was already midafternoon and I was, for lack of a better term, fed up with everything. There was only so much one could do all alone in a bedroom without books, music, or company, and I was sincerely getting bored.

So I decided to have a tea party. For one. Because not even flies would come close.

I didn't think it would be that easy though. I just had to ask Emily if I could have tea in the balcony and in a few minutes she had everything prepared. The sweets, the tea, the table. I was surprised at this level of efficiency.

With my light yellow dress and my hair in a soft updo that left a few of my curls free, lining up my face, I felt like a real princess taking tea in the balcony of her palace, if only for one fleeting second. As I took a sip from my cup, I went over what I knew of the necromancer who was arriving tomorrow.

Although he might have looked like someone that could easily have been an extra, the truth is the necromancer the viscount contacted was an important character for the manga, even though he also died at the end of this arc. Why is that, you may ask? Because, not only was he the character that introduced necromancers to the manga, he also had an apprentice that, upon learning about the death of their master, would seek revenge against the heroes, only to later go over to their side after a series of events that changed their point of view over what happened here.

This apprentice would later have an incredible influence on the plot, becoming the key for the main character to be able to defeat the big bad in the end.

Anyway, going back to the necromancer. He was a very old man, with the characteristic silver hair of the creatures that could wield a huge amount of magic naturally and extraordinary abilities that he passed over to his apprentice before his death. He was also a stern person, who believed in the power of the ancestors in the makings and changes of the world, as according to the original religion of his people. It was hinted at the end of the arc that he might have had valid reasons to perform the ritual, and in the apprentice's flashbacks, he was also always showed to be a person with firm and strong ideals, who would not bent unless he knew it was necessary.

So, with all that, I could conclude the necromancer, whose name unfortunately I could not recall, had a reason to sacrifice me for the ritual even though it was against one of his most fundamental rules. And, stemming from that, I should be able to get him to speak with me alone and obtain not only the reason, but also the opportunity to strike a deal with him. After all, even if it was hinted at, the sacrifice had no purpose at all except to bring the heroes to this castle and get Mathias and Lucas into their party, because, needless to say, the viscountess wasn't revived (for long) in the end and the viscount's plan completely and utterly failed.

And for exactly that purpose, I had an ace under my sleeve, and that was my knowledge of the future. Necromancers' primary goal was to predict the future with the help of the deceased, more than creating an army of zombies which was incredibly difficult and fundamentally improbable anyway. If I managed to convince him I had clairvoyance of some sort, he would become interested in me and refuse sacrificing me despite the viscount's protests. That was my plan and my only hope; counting not only in his interest but also his personality and ideals to convince him I was better off alive.

After all, what other option did I have? I was being observed at all hours, I had no weapons and no allies. I was practically trapped in here. I was aware this could not be my only plan, of course, but for the moment it was the only one I could come up with, and it was better than nothing.

I nodded, infusing myself with confidence I did not feel, when movement from the flower garden below caught my attention. I turned, and my eyes locked with familiar black ones. Lucas halted, his eyes becoming big and surprised, and I blinked to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Could it be he was passing by to take a look and see how I was doing and did not expect to find me drinking tea in the balcony?

Whatever the reason, this was not a chance to pass up. I stood up and exaggeratingly waved my hand. "Lucas! How nice seeing you! Why don't you come have tea with me?"

The poor kid did not know where to look. I understood his reluctance. Only yesterday I had been berating him without end for allowing me to be sacrificed, and now I was acting all friendly. Not counting I did not know what Mathias told him yesterday, though I had a faint idea of what it was.


"Won't you come?" I pouted, doing my best to act cute. Lucas was quite weak against women's charms, as I recalled from our interactions of the last days and some scenes from the manga. It was because he didn't have much contact with them in his life apart from his mother. Well, he didn't have much contact with anybody who wasn't his family or part of the staff, so maybe he was also jubilant to finally have someone his age to talk to.

In any case, my attempts seemed to have little effect, because he was still looking to the side, with that same uncomfortable look in his eyes. Did Mathias scold him so badly he was afraid of even making eye contact with me? But he was still there, unmoving, so maybe everything wasn't lost.

I was about to open my mouth to try and convince him one last time when finally, he sighed, closed his eyes and let his shoulders drop. "You're going to keep insisting?" his voice sounded defeated, though I didn't perceive much reluctance from his tone. I knew it, he truly craved human interactions. I gave him my best smile.

"Of course!" Just accept already!

He shook his head, and I saw a small smile forming on his lips. Oh, was he laughing at me? "Fine, I'll be there in a minute."

He disappeared inside the building, presumably making his way to my room. I sat back and drank again, satisfied. Emily looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Miss, I would advise you not to..."

"Thanks but no thanks. I'm fine just like this."

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