Arc 1. Interlude V

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Adela knew she was a good mage. It was not only her own ego talking, though she had a lot of that; it was also her training under one of the most powerful mages of their time, and a necromancer to boot, what gave her the confidence to affirm even full-fledged mages would have a hard time against her.

After all, not just anyone could gather enough spiritual energy to become a necromancer, Magi descent or not.

So maybe she overestimated herself a little when going alone against the viscount. Big deal. She had Mathias putting onions all over the castle anyway, so it was only a question of time before the annoying archmage in front of her dried up and she could slice his pretty neck without fear for her life.

It was just... why was he taking so long? Ok, the castle was big and all but...

"Woah!" Adela yelped as she barely dodged a few dozen wind arrows going for her soft and very vulnerable body. He couldn't touch the fire thanks to her claiming her dominion over it before him with the help of the spirits, but he sure as hell could use all the other elements around him and some more.


Adela closed her eyes, gathering the energy around her and creating a wind shield to withstand the barrage of assaults the man was throwing at her. He ran towards her, hitting the barrier with the tip of his wand and completely disintegrating the shield. Then, he was at her again, the ground under her sinking and trapping her as he brandished his wand, now elongated and sharpened with magic to resemble a sword, towards her.

Adela blocked with her staff, water taken directly from the flowers around them accumulating at her feet and dissolving the mud trap. She jumped away again, but midair, the viscount caught up with her, sending her spiraling to the ground with a wind hammer. Adela's head impacted against the stone ground, and she remained unmoving. The viscount landed beside her, observing her body with disgust.

"Can't cure fast enough" he snorted, raising the wand-sword and stabbing her in the heart. However, the magic weapon found resistance before it could pierce the vulnerable organ. He frowned.

Adela opened her eyes. With a grunt of concentration, she expanded the shield covering her heart until it pushed the viscount away. She immediately stood up, staggering a little as she did so while feeling the magic of the spirits slowly healing her cracked skull and chest. She felt dizzy and her sight was blurry, but she could still go on. She had to. Taking another big breath, she chanted a spell.

Keep working! Keep working!

Fire engulfed the two of them. It danced and moved and soon later, it completely trapped the viscount inside a circle of bright orange flames. Then, Adela raised the temperature. It became hotter and hotter until the flames turned blue. She closed the circle more and more and before long, there was only a cocoon of fire enveloping the viscount. However, it didn't last for long. The viscount opened a path from inside, stepping out of the cocoon with a solid magic armor that protected him from the heat. Adela gritted her teeth.

It's alright. I distracted him enough for the spirits to finish mending me.

As she used her magic to attack, the spirits lent a hand by protecting her body from any lasting injuries. It was team work. While they defended, she fought. If she got injured, they would heal her. That way, she would be able to concentrate only on how to defeat her opponent. It was the reason people hated fighting against spirit users, more so necromancers. Instead of one opponent, you got two.

But the viscount here was good enough to account for that. When he got out of the fire trap, he tapped his wand against one of the fire walls, and in a flash, the entirety of the flames took on the same blue color. Adela cursed out loud. He took control of the fire!

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