Arc 1. Chapter 2-5

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"So, these are called macarons" I said as I took something that looked like a stuffed cookie. There were plenty of different colors, each with their own flavor. Lucas nodded.

"They're made with almond flour. They're my favorite."

He took a sip from his tea and ate one. His face relaxed as he enjoyed the utter bliss of the macaron. I looked at him, fascinated. I wasn't a big fan of sweets, but Lucas was, and it was bewildering watching him eat with such enthusiasm. It was the first time I saw a guy so fond of sweet things. In my past life, I didn't hang out with girls a lot, since most of my friends were male. And I could say with certainty, boys with a sweet tooth were pretty rare.

I looked at the macaron in my hand, a cute soft pink color, and brought it to my mouth. It was sweet, but not overpowering, and that was nice. I wanted to clarify now that I did know what a macaron was, but since as Elaine I never had one or even seen them on display in the lone confectionery shop of the nearby city, I guessed they were not common among plebeians like me.

"So" I started, taking once again the cup in my hands, acting casual as I took a sip; "what were you doing around here?"

He blushed, because obviously he was trying to catch a glimpse of me without being caught but failed. He looked down, stirring the tea and biting his lips.

"The rose garden was in this direction. I was passing by when I saw you here."


"Oh, how many gardens are there here?"

"We have thirteen different gardens. The one below here is the winter garden. During winter, and with the fallen snow, it looks absolutely amazing!"

Thirteen gardens, huh. "Is that so? It looks pretty nice already, but it's true I saw more decorations and less flowers here than in other places."

"The decorations are supposed to be covered in snow when winter comes. Winter flowers grow too. When the cold arrives, you will see it. We even light up torches at night and...!"

He stopped abruptly, realizing what he said. His eyes grew round in panic, and he looked at me with an anxious expression. I simply smiled at him with irony, bringing the cup to my lips once again.

"Too bad I won't be here in winter, though" I said just to turn the dagger a little more. Lucas winced. I left my cup on the table, the clink of porcelain resounding in the sudden stifling air. Lucas opened his mouth to say something, but I didn't let him. After all, we finally arrived at the topic I wanted to discuss. It was my turn to talk. "So, the ritual is tomorrow, right?"

"I... yes, yes it is" Lucas answered, uncomfortable. I nodded.

"Yesterday I wanted to ask you, but we did not have time. Do you know exactly what the ritual entails? How is it done? Is it going to hurt me, or will I be gone without pain?"

He said nothing. I knew he wasn't aware of any of the details of the ritual, so my question was cruel, but it was part of the tactic. Besides, he was already thirteen years old. If he wanted to sacrifice me, he should be able to face the consequences of his decisions, so tact could be thrown to the wind.

"You don't know? And what about the reason I was chosen? The ritual could be done with anybody, why an emaciated girl with family that your father had to pay for? Why not a willing servant? I'm sure there are people here who would be happy to give their lives for their mistress, especially since, unlike me, they did know her."

This time, Emily fidgeted. I resisted the urge to snort, as I raised my cup again and extended it outside. Emily quickly took the hint and hurried to fill it with tea again. I smiled. I could get used to this kind of life.

Lucas still said nothing. I readied myself for the last, and most piercing question. I didn't want to do this to him, honestly, but his stubbornness left me no choice. I sighed. "Why don't you answer? Lucas, you said yourself you didn't care if your mother was revived or not, and yet, because you were so determined to do it for your brother's sake you still allowed it. And you don't know anything about the ritual? Not even the smallest thing? Really, makes me wonder if you truly are serious or if you were not only brainwashed by your f-"

"That would be enough, esteemed guest."

I halted, my whole body getting goosebumps upon hearing that voice. I didn't want to turn around to look at him, but Mathias facilitated me the job, walking on his own to our table and stopping right next to me. Slowly, I looked up, and I had to make a real effort to hide the fear from my eyes.

Furious. He was absolutely furious. His face had a pleasant smile, and his posture was relaxed, but his eyes expelled a cold anger so strong I felt myself starting to shiver without being able to stop it. God, if looks could kill, I'm sure right now they would be like crazy looking for another eleven year old girl as a sacrifice replacement.

Mathias smiled, perceiving my fear, but there wasn't anything warm in that smile. "I find it weird you would be here, Lucas, after I clearly told you yesterday you should not get close to our guest. Have you so little regard for your older brother so as to disobey me for the second time?"

"N-no! It's not like that, Mathias!" Lucas quickly explained, standing up, but his brother stopped him, raising a hand and shaking his head.

"It doesn't matter. Sebastian" he called, and a second presence I had no idea was hiding behind the double doors of the balcony stepped forward. This time, I felt like I was going to vomit. "Bring me a chair. I hope you don't mind if I accompany you for this... lovely tea party. Right, esteemed guest?"

He looked directly at me, still smiling, and there was not a single bone in my body that could refuse him.

Things had gotten pretty frightening all of a sudden.

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