Arc 1. Chapter 3-2

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Adela Belaire. Fourteen years old. Ezekiel's apprentice and one of the six main characters in the manga. What was she doing here? According to my memories, she first appeared during arc 6, and we were barely in arc 2. It was too soon for her to be here!

As if feeling my confusion, her profound eyes turned to mine, and she gave me a cheeky smile, like she knew what I was thinking. I felt an involuntary shudder going down my spine, but not because of fear.

"I haven't taught you this yet Adela, but there are different types of souls. Three levels in total, though some may mix, although only with consecutive levels. It is something configured from birth and that cannot be changed, and it regulates many things about the person, such as their affinity for magic, the maximum level they can reach in the spirit ascension, and the number of reincarnations they'll have to pass through to get to the last level" the necromancer explained, answering Adela's question and making me even more confused, if possible.

Adela nodded. "It's the first time I've heard of this. Never found this information in the books you gave me."

"It's because the only books regarding soul levels were destroyed long ago during the Magi Wars, over four-hundred years in the past. It's only passed as oral tradition nowadays, but not many of our kind care for it, since, regardless of the type of soul, all persons ascend in the same way."

"Then, why was it important that her soul was compatible with the viscountess'?" she asked, eyeing the viscount momentarily. He observed the girl absently, apparently unbothered despite her many questions. That surprised me. "Does the ritual of false life require a compatible soul?"

"Not necessarily, but results are best with a soul of the same level as that of the deceased. It preserves the integrity of the mind better and there's less risk of drawbacks."

"Marie was a pure third level soul" the viscount explained, almost making me yelp in surprise. Was he actually treating Adela respectfully? Not like he was ever disrespectful towards me, he never talked enough with me to be so, but that was exactly the point. He didn't talk! "Normally, those who possess a third level soul have mixes of second level within them. A pure third level soul it's indeed a rarity, as your master said."

So... I was special. Great, just when I didn't want it at all!

I still didn't get what this whole thing of levels and souls was about though. I mean, I never heard of any of this, and I read the manga. What the heck.

"The ritual can take place this night, then?" the viscount asked, looking at the necromancer after finishing with his explanation. The other man nodded.

"At midnight, on the mausoleum your wife is in. We'll need to arrange a few things though. Why don't we discuss them in private? I'll like to finish them quickly so I can get some sleep. I've been up all night travelling, you see."

"Of course. Please, bring her back to her room" the viscount told Emily, who gave a bow and escorted me out of the drawing room. Adela left behind us, leaving her master and the viscount alone. She smiled at me.

"What's your name?" she asked without further ado. I blinked.

"Ehm... I'm Elaine."

"So, Elaine..." she looked me up and down, before turning her eyes towards Emily. I was in a state of confusion. The new information from only a while ago plus her presence here were unexpected things. It furthered my theory that there were many things untold from the manga. However, my main issue was another. Since Adela was here, I could talk to her as well about convincing her master to take me in. I opened my mouth to do just that, but she spoke before I had the chance. "May I accompany you? I want to take another look at her. You heard what my master said; she possesses a rare type of soul. Since it's the first time I ever heard of it I want to investigate this matter further."

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