Arc 2. Chapter 1-7

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"You look like you had a horrible night" Lucas said, ever so tactfully, to me the next day. I shrugged, honestly not in the mood to talk. He frowned, eyeing me skeptically for a second before turning around and returning to trying to milk the goats, apparently deciding to leave the needling for later. I yawned, doing a sloppy job of watching him and instructing him while still fuming at the lost opportunity.

The sequel to Zombie Time... I remember there being general excitement for it, what with everyone speculating about how much stronger the main characters were and what kind of new adventures they were going to get into. Those who already shipped Noah's son and Lucas' daughter, despite the children only appearing for like, three or four panels in the final chapter, were all for it and the new interactions it would bring. I, on the other hand, was more curious about the world in general and how everyone was doing ten years later.

Of course, the one I was most curious about was Lucas. And with his daughter being the one who triggered the plot of the new manga by getting into some sort of problem at the beginning of it, I was sure I would get to see plenty of him. And his wife too, I guess.

The girl Lucas ended up marrying... she was ok, I guess. A little too stubborn and it definitely would have been better if she thought things through more before acting, but whatever. Not everyone could be calm personified. She was a farmer, and though not part of the main group she always offered her house for them to rest and heal after a strenuous fight. She was not a fighter and some readers hated her because they thought her weak, but I honestly had no problem with her. There's nothing wrong with weak characters. It would be too strange if everyone was Superman, really. As long as one does what they can, everything is fine.

Can't remember her name though, ugh. In-universe, she was considered rather plain, and... um...


"Hey Lucas, what kind of girl do you like?" I asked, both to get my mind out of depressing thoughts and because I was suddenly curious, wondering about the girl who would become his wife and all.

The pot of milk he was holding suddenly got loose. Lucas grabbed it quickly, just in time before it could spill completely with only some drops falling. He sputtered, suddenly becoming red.

"W-W-What... W-Why...?"

"It's just a question, don't get like that. And you're lucky you caught that in time because if it spilled, I would have made you lick the ground clean, you hear me?"

"Who distracted me with inappropriate questions?!" he suddenly snapped, turning around and glaring all through his blush. It was impossible to take him seriously with the way he was looking though, so I snorted, earning a pout this time.

"What's inappropriate about it? It's a perfectly innocent question" I defended. Lucas sighed. "So? What's your type of girl?"

"How should I know? I never really stopped to think about it..." he said sullenly, inspecting the contents of the pot and closing it with the lid. He stood up avoiding my gaze. "To be honest it never interested me much..."

"And yet you asked for a kiss back then when you thought you were going to die" I said without mercy. Lucas halted, placing the pot on the ground forcefully.

"Why are you bringing this up now?!"

"'Cause you said you were never that much interested, and yet then you looked very much interested..."

"That was because I was about to die! And...!" he shut his mouth before he could say anything else. I tilted my head, curious when I saw him turning away sharply so I couldn't see his face. Is it my imagination or does he look redder? "And you? What's your type of guy?" he asked, playing with the rim of the milk pot.

I raised my eyebrows. "Who says I'm into guys?"

Lucas turned so fast I heard a snap. "W-What...?!"

"Just kidding! I'm very much straight" I lifted my hands in a peace sign, enjoying his reactions way too much. And it was true. While I had girl crushes like plenty of other women, those were all always on fiction and in real life I wasn't attracted to girls at all.

Ok, Isabella was just too pretty, but I'm pretty sure someone had to be damn blind not to realize that. Or be Mathias. Come to think of it, Mathias never married or had children, did he? Nor did he show any attraction towards... anyone. Men or women or in-between. Was he asexual?

"Stop making fun of me..." Lucas murmured, glancing down with a mighty pout. Oh no. Did I upset him too much? It wasn't my intention to make the ball of fluff sad...

Feeling like a jerk, I sighed, deciding to take pity on the poor boy. "I like nice guys. The kind that worries about you and wants to protect you but treats you like an equal and respects your choices. Nothing of that ridiculous bad guy thing. I'd like the guy I fall in love with to be honest when there's something that bothers him... and not go behind my back cheating on me with my best friend" the last part I said between grinded teeth, but relaxed my expression when I saw Lucas' bewildered face. "But if you want to know what type of guy I like physically, I've always had a weakness for blondes."

Even though the only blondes that would ever look at me were the anime ones. Ah, Naruto, I wonder if someone found the folder full of provocative pictures I kept of you in my previous life... if so, then I'm so glad I'm dead there...

"So... blondes..." Lucas said, frowning. I nodded.

"Blondes, with tanned skin if possible. I don't like pale guys. Eye color doesn't matter. And rippling muscles too, of course."

"Is the person you're talking about even real?" Lucas scoffed, suddenly appearing to be in a bad mood.

"It doesn't matter if it's real or not! We're talking about ideals here!" I defended myself. "And ideals very rarely match with what we get in reality in the end... but what's important is how you feel! How the other person makes you feel! Now tell me your ideal girl!"

"Again with that!"

"Yes! Tell me!"

He sighed, and I had never heard him sound so exasperated. "I guess... bold girls? Someone determined who isn't afraid to speak their mind... but that is gentle and kind and worries about others too. Not much a social warrior but someone who simply... knows what's wrong and what's right. I want someone who cares about me and won't leave me alone..."

I nodded, not surprised by his choice. It all matched the characteristics of his future wife.

"And physically?"

"That's..." he bit his lips, turning his face away. I waited, patiently, not wanting to pressure him and have him run away in embarrassment. "Small, cute girls with freckles? And maybe a mole too, somewhere like next to the mouth? And warm honey eyes that when you look at them you feel like somehow, everything will be alright..."


Ok, he's totally bullshitting me here. I deserve that. For what other reason would he be describing me? Taking revenge for embarrassing him earlier. Smarty ass. Touché.

"Fine" I sighed, giving up. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But there's no need to put on a show just to embarrass me. You won't achieve that."

"Huh? Wait-"

"Come on, let's go, mom must be waiting" I told him, grabbing the pot of milk and walking away. Lucas blinked, his face no longer red but somehow... pale?

"Elaine, I am not putting on a show! I...!" Psss, too bad I won't fall for your tricks! Now let us go! To the breakfast table! I can't hear you! Not a word!

Finally, he seemed to give up just as we reached the house, but after that he became sullen and started ignoring me even when I was talking directly to him. Hmph, whatever, he's at that age. He will soon forget about it. In the meantime, let's just eat!

End of Chapter 1.

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