Arc 1. Chapter 1-7

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So, I managed to get out from my cell and lost Lucas along the way, but one problem still remained, and that was how to get out of this castle. Since my cell was in the highest part of the eastern tower, even though I had climbed down a bit, I was still way above the ground. Moreover, all the places that looked safe enough to try and get down had guards patrolling. I had no idea what Lucas would do, if he would call for help in order to capture me or not, but in any case, it was more than obvious that I couldn't be seen.

I hid behind a big barrel on a darkened corner while I thought in a plan to escape. I had a rope and the ability to use it, as I confirmed earlier. Getting down wouldn't be enough though. Once I was in the gardens, I would have to be even more careful until I could find an exit, and then, if everything went well, I would have to hide in the forest and plan a way to survive until I found a nearby town or they stopped searching for me.

That was complicated. Would I even be able to survive in the forest all alone? But, even that was better than getting sacrificed. And if I didn't try I'd never know. Making up my mind and nodding to myself, I looked around before getting up and putting my plan into action.

The moonlight was barely enough to see around, since clouds took place hiding the moon from sight. My steps were careful and silent. As a shadow, I hid and tiptoed around. I don't know how long I was doing this, but by the time I managed to get down one more floor, the guards were already alert and had torches searching for every nook and cranny of the castle.

Come to think of it, why was Lucas being so secretive about taking me out of the cell? Couldn't he simply have ordered the guards to take me to the room he prepared and explain things to me there? I tried to think of his exact words back then, as I was climbing down and ignoring him completely, and I remembered something.

Cold stares, diminishing comments whenever he isn't ignoring me...

Ah, that's right. Lucas was the second son, the spare, so to say. Mathias was the favored one, and I say favored while stretching the meaning of the word a lot. If Mathias asked for me to be transferred to a better place then maybe the viscount would accept, but if it was Lucas who asked...

I found a good place to climb down while being immersed in these thoughts. As I touched the ground, I looked around, counting how many floors were left until I was safely in the gardens. Two more, that wasn't so bad...

Well, it would have been, if not for the hand touching my shoulder and practically making me jump three meters in the air from fright.

Damn it, that shout must have been heard all the way back to my family's farm!

Please let the person touching me be Lucas, at least with him I can try and get around him.

And as if fate really hated me, the one I encountered as I turned around was a young man, around two heads taller than me, with hair so black it seemed to fuse with the dark sky.


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