Ethan Torchio🥁

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He's honestly so cute and pretty it makes me want to cry

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He's honestly so cute and pretty it makes me want to cry. I'm not even joking! No one can be this hot, sweet, cute and loveable at the same time!😍😭😍😭😍😭
Alsooooo I got very carried away so please get a drink and a snack this is a looooong one
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Ethan being jealous.
You had been Måneskin's freelance costume designer for two years and the ecstatically happy girlfriend of Ethan Torchio for four. As soon you met Ethan, when you reluctantly moved schools at fifteen, you knew he was the one for you. Luckily the feeling was mutual.
Everyone in the band adored you and your flair for designing outfits that they employed you part time as you were usually in between jobs. Considering it was hard to find designing work all the time and it was slowly just becoming a hobby, you were incredibly excited for this opportunity. Especially because Victoria, Damiano, Thomas and of course your magnificent boyfriend Ethan were the perfect models for your designs because, well they were all extremely gorgeous.
"Where's our amazing fashionista?!"You heard Damiano call as you followed Victoria on set with their outfits for the music video.
"She's here!"Victoria sung back, grabbing your hand and quickening her pace so as you were practically running towards the vocalist.
Thomas suddenly appeared by your side, gently spinning you away from the bassist and towards him.
"Let me carry some of those for you, bella."He offered before taking all four garment bags from your arms.
You smiled."Thank you, Thomas, but I can carry them by myself."
"You already do so much for us, Y/N."Victoria said, placing a hand delicately on your shoulder.
"She's right. Just let us help you a little."Damian told you.
"Thank you."You blushed at all threes' slightly flirty behaviour. You looked around, searching for you boyfriend as you'd both arrived separately, it was odd he wasn't the first to greet you. It's not like you expected anything it's just usually what he did."Hey, guys, where's Ethan?"

Ethan watched from afar as you chatted with his band mates. Being more quiet and reserved than them never bothered him much as so were you, and Ethan knew you loved relaxing with him in the quiet of your home. But recently he'd begun to notice his friends outgoing personalities were also coupled with flirty traits and while Ethan had never been a jealous person in all the years you'd been together, he was starting to feel the green monster rear it's ugly head.
He hadn't gone to greet you for a multitude of reasons. As soon as your car pulled up Victoria was already out the door, hurrying to greet you and he didn't want to crowd you and also he was still reeling from this morning. Before you had left the house you had been texting Damiano about the video and giggling constantly and while Ethan thought your giggles were the cutest sound known to man, his newfound sense of jealousy caused him to become moody and huff a little. He knew you noticed but you hadn't brought it up...and he knew exactly why.

You searched the room for Ethan after you'd chatted a little more with Damiano, Victoria and Thomas about their outfits you'd begun to worry that he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Yes, your boyfriend was quiet but he was never one to blend in. You asked members of the crew that were milling around but they either all rushed off busy or shrugged their shoulders.
You hated feeling this way. This morning before leaving you knew how Ethan was feeling, it was odd but since you two were both quite quiet you'd developed almost a telepathic sense of knowing how the other one was. Sometimes you didn't even need to open your eyes when you woke up to know how Ethan was. You could tell by his breathing and body language. However that particular morning you knew he was jealous, moody even, but you didn't bring it up because neither of you had ever had to deal with it before. Even after Måneskin won ESC and people all around Europe were freaking out and gushing over your boyfriend you laughed and thought it was amazing. You seriously didn't have a jealous bone in your body. But it seemed now Ethan did and it made you ache that you hadn't talked much at all. You began to think you probably should've brought it up because now it felt like he resented you for not confronting and then comforting him.
You were just about to give up the search for your boyfriend when suddenly you saw him sitting on a couch near the double doors to the exit. He'd spotted you first as he'd clearly been watching you search for him. You made eye contact with Ethan and bit your lip, was he really so jealous he wouldn't even help you find him. Or what if this wasn't jealousy? Maybe it had just transcended into anger.
"Y/N, I have a question..."You heard Victoria begin to say as she walked up behind you, placing a hand on your elbow.
At the contact you watched as Ethan tossed his flawless hair, got up from the sofa and left the room, double doors swinging behind him.
"I'm sorry, Victoria, I have to go."You told her with sad eyes, pulling your focus away from the doors."I'll be back in a few seconds."

Ethan hated this.
Every single little thing about it.
The feeling of jealousy.
The self loathing that came with said jealous feeling.
The fact that he was jealous of his friends.
The fact that the jealousy felt to him as if he didn't trust you which of course he did.
And most of all the fact that he was jealous made you think he was mad at you. (Which he knew because of your almost telepathic connection.)
He leaned back against the wall in the hall outside, looking up at the ceiling. His fingers itched to reach into his back pocket for a cigarette, because by god did he need a smoke right now, but he knew it would be unwise to go so far as you would follow him out almost immediately.
Ethan tilted his head to the side once he heard the double doors open again but he didn't see entirely what he expected.
Yes it was you but your beautiful face was contorted into an expression of despair and tears were making tracks on your cheeks.
"Pupetta, what's wrong?"Ethan asked immediately leaving the wall and rushing over to you, lines of concern outlining his features.
You ran towards him as well and basically collapsed into his arms. You continued to sob as you tried to get out your words, which just made you even more choked up and inspired more tears to fall.
"Shhh, shhh, bellissima."Ethan told you, stroking his way down your hair and back as he engulfed you into his strong arms."It's ok. Shhh shhhh, it's ok. Take your time, baby."
He continued to shush you for a few minutes and during the those minutes you stopped trying to speak and just let him comfort you. Finally after many kisses from Ethan, all over your face, your sobbing ceased and you were finally calm enough to explain your state.
"Why were you crying, my love?"The drummer asked, releasing you from his embrace a little but still keeping his hands around your shoulders.
You sniffed finally and wiped the last few tears from your cheeks."Do you hate me?"
"Hate you? How could I ever hate you?"Ethan questioned. Though he knew you thought he was mad at you, he didn't realise that his fresh sense of jealousy made you feel as if he hated you.

"Well,"You began, feeling the tears fill your eyes again. No, no, no, you were not about to have another meltdown."all day you've looked at me in that way. You know, the way you look at someone when you're angry with them, furious even and you never look at me that way. We never fight, we never argue and in ever movie and tv show that's how relationships end. The couples don't talk about the little things so they build up until one explodes and then they break up. I noticed the way you were acting when I was texting Damiano this morning and I know, I know I should've said something but...I didn't know what to say. That's not us, Ethan. And I don't want us to break up because I love you so goddamn much."
And here come the waterworks again. But you just let it happen, there was no use in trying to hide how you feel after pouring you whole heart out to him.
"Oh oh, pupetta."Ethan brought you back into another embrace but it was much shorter this time as he pulled away to look at your face again."I don't hate you. You are perfect and we are not breaking up because I love you too. You don't understand how much I love you because there aren't even words to explain. I'm not even sure if I understand how much I love you. Yes, I've been moody lately and yes it's because I'm jealous, but believe me I hate it just as much as you. It's not fun feeling like this and I need to work on it, especially if you feel like this every time I am. Because I can't see you cry, baby, it hurts me to see you so sad. Aww please stop crying, bella."
"I'm trying."You laughed as he began to pepper your face in kisses again.
"Well, try harder!"He teased before kissing you passionately and lovingly on the mouth.
"I can't, Ethan, you know that!"You giggled.
When the sound filled Ethan's ears he beamed brighter than he felt he ever had and scooped you up in his arms. You were caught off guard, so much so that you squeaked and he had to help you wrap your legs around him to keep your steady.
"Are you feeling better?"He asked softly finally, once your crying and giggling came to a close.
"Much."You whispered, laying your head on his shoulder. You had never realised before how much crying exhausted you, or maybe it was all the talking."I love you, Ethan."
"I love you too, perfect girl."He whispered into your ear before pressing an open mouth kiss to your neck."Now are you ready to go back in because I do have work to do?"
"Yes."You told him before remembering where you were. You jumped out of his arms."Ooo yes! Yes I am! I can't wait to see you in my design."
Ethan laughed as you grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind you.
"Lead the way, bellissima."

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