Damiano David🎤

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Imagine: Damiano sharing a secret on tv

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Imagine: Damiano sharing a secret on tv.
"Next we will move onto the questions from our viewers, also keep in mind if any of these make you uncomfortable don't feel inclined to answer them."The interviewer told your friends.
You watched from offset with Leo, who had been invited by Damiano just like you were invited by Ethan. The only difference being that Ethan was your brother and Leo and Damiano were best friends.
"I'm an open book!"Damiano exclaimed and spread his legs wide, making you snort and Leo amusedly roll his eyes."Ask me anything!"
Victoria, Thomas, Ethan and the interviewer all laughed at the singer's mannerisms and you felt Leo nudge your side.
"Nice to see that continent wide stardom hasn't changed him."The man grinned."Still our Damiano."
You looked up and smiled back, feeling an odd sensation when Leo referred to him as "our Damiano". You itched to correct him and say something about how he was your Damiano but you knew you couldn't.
For the past five months you'd been in a secret relationship with one of your brother's best friends and by secret you meant completely top secret. Not one single soul knew. You hadn't even whispered it to any of your pets just to get it off your chest. It was driving you nuts too, all those girls flirting with him when you were out with him and the band. It was torture that you couldn't say anything even though Damiano politely rejected their advances.
Your relationship had started all so suddenly and at first it was just a close friendship. Friendly kisses on cheeks and playful flirting, until one night Damiano showed up at your house and just like a cliché movie told you how he couldn't sleep without thinking about you and how he'd like you for years. A little part of you had always hoped he did, when you turned eighteen you remember him commenting "Ethan has such a sexy sister" to Thomas, which unsurprisingly made it's way back to your brother who wouldn't let Damiano so much as as breathe in your direction for about a month. It hurt that Ethan was the reason you had to keep your relationship so secret but you knew he would freak out big time if he found out about you and Damiano. Therefore you both kept your mouth shut...honestly it was a little scary how good Damiano was at lying to his closest friends.
You had a close call a few weeks ago when you were all hanging out at Victoria's place. All meaning the band, you, Leo and Nica. While the rest were out by the pool you had gone into to get a drink and had ran into Damiano, who within five minutes had you sitting on a the kitchen counter, kissing you and pulling off your top. Nica showed up before he could undo your bikini top and luckily you were able to get her to believe that there was nothing going on. Damiano coming up with the story that you had a scar from a previously infected insect bite and wanted to see if he could cover it up with a tattoo.
"Yep but I feel like Damiano's always been a star, I don't think a little more fame and publicity would change that."You commented to Leo who nodded in agreement as the interviewer continued to ask the viewers' questions to Måneskin.
"Next question, have any of you ever kissed someone related to another member?"She asked.
Almost immediately everyone held up the "I haven't" card except Damiano...and Thomas.
"Thomas?!"Victoria exclaimed in shock, looking at her friend's card.
The guitarist immediately looked down and blushed a bright crimson, realising he was holding up the wrong card and swiftly switching it.
"Cazzo! Sorry."He apologised prompting everyone else to laugh.
Everyone except you and Ethan who were both staring at Damiano who was holding up the "I have" card, so nonchalantly.
"Shit."You cursed and stumbled backwards, bumping into Leo.
"I wonder who Dami-"He cut himself off as he locked eyes with you."Oh my god, Y/N, Ethan is going to kill him."
"Not if I get to him first."You hissed."It was supposed to be a secret."
Luckily for you the interviewer didn't ask a follow up to that question, like you'd hoped and carried on with the other questions. Though you saw Ethan staring daggers into Damiano every now and then when the singer wasn't looking.
"Which one of my sisters was it, Damiano?"Ethan snapped, storming off set after the singer who was heading towards you and Leo. Leo who you were now half tucked behind a little scared of how Ethan would react, more towards Damiano than you. You were his little sister, he couldn't be too mad at you, and if he was you had no problem throwing Damiano under the bus. After all it was his fault this was even an issue.
"What do you mean?"The singer asked and you could tell he'd already completely forgotten about the question.
Ethan rolled his eyes."Outside. Now."
The drummer practically shoved his friend into the hall and you immediately stepped out from behind Leo.
"Come on."You prompted him, heading to the door."That's your best friend and my brother."
"I'm right behind you."He replied as you both rushed out after the men.
"I'll ask again,"Ethan began as you and Leo joined them in the hallway. You'd never seen your brother look this menacing before and to be honest it was a little scary."which one of my sisters did you trick into screwing around with you?"
"Hey, hey, hey!"Damiano tried to defend himself, backed up against the wall."The question was kissed! Not screw around with!"
"Oh please with you it's never just a kiss."The drummer scoffed."Now answer me!"
"How do you even know it was one of your sisters?"Damiano asked, trying to get himself out of trouble.
"Was it Nica?"
"Which one of my sisters did you seduce, David?!"Ethan's voice was now raised to shouting level and he had got right up in the singer's face. His fists clenched at his sides.
Damiano took a breath and held his hands out."Edgar, listen-"
"I swear to god, Damia-"Your brother began to yell.
"It was me."You stepped forward towards the men, who you quickly realised hadn't noticed you nor Leo's presence."B-But he didn't seduce me. I-It was fully c-consensual on both sides, h-he didn't trick me."
You couldn't bear to look Ethan in the eyes though you could feel his stare boring into you, instead you locked eyes with Damiano, your now not so secret boyfriend. He looked absolutely terrified and quite surprised.
"Y/N."Ethan whispered looking down at his shoes and shaking his head."Y/N? You fucked my baby sister?!"
Leo quickly pushed himself in between the two men, grabbing Ethan's raised fist and shielding Damiano's face from it.
"Guys, let's just calm down."He tried to reason with them.
"Non osare dirmi di calmarmi!"Your brother shouted at him, fury and rage etched onto his features.
("Don't you dare tell me to calm down!")
"And also he didn't fuck me."You explained.
"Yeah, exactly!"Damiano gestured to you."It was just oral stuff."
"Damiano!"You exclaimed with wide eyes.
"Ho intenzione di ucciderti!"Ethan tried to punch at the singer but Leo was thankfully able to hold him back.
("I'm going to kill you!")
Just then Thomas and Victoria emerged onto the scene, their chatting and laughing coming to halt as they noticed what was going on.
"Oh my god, Nica was right."The bassist practically gasped as she took in everyone's expressions."I can't believe you're actually screwing around with Y/N!"
"You were serious?!"Thomas blurted out, seeming more shocked than anyone else."Jesus, Damiano, she's barely eighteen!"
"Actually I'll be nineteen in three months."You pointed out meekly before earning an icy glare from your brother."But that's not important."
"Also we've established that no one was screwing around with anyone!"Damiano reminded everyone only to push himself further against the wall as Ethan struggled against Leo again.
"Ok here's what's going to happen."Victoria began calmly, deciding to take control of the situation."We're all going to head back to the hotel in separate taxis. Thomas, you take Ethan and make sure he calms down. Leo, you're with Damiano make sure he doesn't say anything stupid to further incriminate himself. I'll take Y/N because I'm kinda pissed at Damiano too and if I'm with him, I'll kill him, or if I'm with Ethan I'll convince him to do it for me. Plus, I think we need to have a little talk between us girls."
Victoria aimed the last part towards you with a sympathetic smile.
"I'm trying so hard not to judge you, Y/N, but what the hell were you thinking?"Victoria asked her tone gentle but a little strained as she perched before you on her hotel bed.
You were hugging your legs to your chest, resting your chin on your knees."I was thinking that I like Damiano, I really like Damiano."
"Ok, I get that"Victoria sighed and you could tell she wasn't sure of what to say but was trying her best."but what about Ethan? He's your brother and-"
"And what? Yes, he's my brother so what?"You snapped, sitting up straighter."Why should it matter if Ethan is my brother? He has nothing to do with this! Damiano is his friend, yes, but that doesn't matter here! This is my relationship! Not to mention my first adult relationship with someone I really care about. Ethan doesn't get a say about this."
Victoria bit her lip and looked to the side. You were making a good point and you knew that she knew that. Ethan had no right to be angry at you for being in a loving relationship with Damiano.
"You understand why he's angry though, don't you?"The bassist prompted."Why all of us are a bit annoyed at him?"
"Because to all of you I'm still a baby."You frowned."I still look like the child I was when I met you guys to all of you except Damiano. The only one of you who actually sees me as an adult who can make her own decisions and doesn't need her big brother to protect her and fight off guys."
"Ok."Victoria shook her head."I have no argument. Come here."
She held her arms out for a hug and you hugged her back.
"Thanks."You into her shoulder.
She laughed softly."Don't thank me yet. You still haven't talked to Ethan yet."
As if on cue there was a knock on her hotel room door.
"Hey, Vic, it's me! Ethan's cooled down and he wants to talk to Y/N!"Thomas called from the outside."I patted him down and he's not hiding any sharp objects."
You and the bassist both laughed at the guitarist's joke before she opened the door. Thomas stepper to the side to let Ethan walk in, looking at his feet as though he was a scolded child.
"Do you two need supervision?"Victoria asked once she was in the doorway and Ethan was in the room.
"No?"You told her unsurely as your brother was still looking at the floor guiltily.
"Great."She clapped her hands before closing the door."No one leaves until you guys work this out!"
"Ethan, look at me please?"You asked meekly to the man standing in the corner of the room."We'll only be able to work this out if-"
"I punched Damiano."He confessed quickly, looking up at you with glossy eyes and tear stained cheeks.
"You what?!"You exclaimed."What do you mean you punched Damiano?!"
"I mean that I needed a smoke once Thomas and I got out of the taxi, and I can't smoke in this hotel. Turns out Leo and Damiano weren't too far behind, I saw him get out of the car and I just-I just-I just punched my best friend."A few tears slipped from Ethan's eyes and you were just as shocked as he was."I know it was terrible and I shouldn't have done it but just the thought of him and you."
You saw your brother clench his fists tightly so his knuckles were almost white.
"I mean you're my baby sister, Y/N-"
"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."You began and patted the space where Victoria previously sat on the bed. Ethan tentatively sat down, crossing his legs."Look at me, Ethan, really look at me. I'm not a baby anymore. I'm almost nineteen, I'm an adult who can make my own decisions. I know you want to protect me but I don't need you too anymore, especially not from Damiano. He's harmless, truly."
"I know, it's just...it might take me a while to get used to seeing you two together."Ethan admitted just before the door to Victoria's room swung open and in stumbled in Damiano...holding an ice pack to his purple bruised nose.
"Don't worry, I've stopped bleeding."The singer spoke, his voice nasally."Just in excruciating pain."
"Oh my god!"You shouted, immediately rushing over to your boyfriend."Ethan, how many times to did you hit him?!"
"Just the once I swear."The drummer held up his hands, clearly not having seen Damiano after he had made contact. Therefore not seeing the huge purple bruise and remnants of blood that hadn't been mopped up.
"You're brother is very strong."Damiano explained to you as you removed the ice to look at the rest of his face."I'm never going to ever hurt you, I promise. Especially if that strength is a family thing."
"Man, look I'm so sorry."Ethan began, getting up and walking towards Damiano."I know it's not a good excuse but you have to understand that while we were growing up I protected Y/N from guys all the time because our gender sucks. Men are terrible to girls, especially to beautiful ones like my sister. I know I don't need to protect her from you..for now."
"You'll never need to protect her from me, Edgar, I promise."Damiano told the drummer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders."I love her."
"You l-love me?"You stuttered, eyes growing wide to match his as he realise what he said.
"You love her?"Ethan said seeming as shocked as both of you two.
"I-I well this isn't how I pictured saying it for the first time but yeah, I love you, Y/N."Damiano told you."I really do love you."
"Dami, I love you too."You told him, dropping the ice pack at you feet and pulling the singer into a kiss.
"Guys!"Ethan exclaimed."I'll need a little time before I can see that."
He shuddered and headed for the door.
"Sorry."You laughed along with Damiano apologising once you pulled away from him.
"Ethan, wait!"He called making your brother stop and turn back to you both."Does this mean we can share a hotel room now?"
"I swear to god, Damiano, don't give me a reason to punch you again."Ethan only half joked before exiting.
You smiled as Damiano pulled you closer into his embrace and whispered in your ear."I think that's a yes, bambina."

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