Ethan Torchio🥁

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Imagine: Ethan when he hasn't heard from you in a few days

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Imagine: Ethan when he hasn't heard from you in a few days.
Everything was quiet, too quiet, so quiet that Ethan could hear a low buzzing sound in his ears. He had lost track of time even though he'd been staring at his phone ever since he'd gotten out of the shower.
You weren't home when he'd gotten back from recording with the band, even though your shift at work ended an hour earlier. He just assumed you'd gone out with your work friends or something so he'd sent a quick text

Just letting you know that I'll be home when you get back
I love you, mia bella

That had been three days ago.
You hadn't replied and Ethan hadn't heard from you since.
He wasn't overly worried as you'd done this once before when your judgemental parents were in the country and you didn't want them to know about Ethan. He thought you were missing and fearing the worst had called the police to report it after the first day, he got back home to find you asleep on the sofa. You had fought for a few hours and you had ended up spending the whole night on the sofa but it was fine the next day.
After the first day of your absence Ethan had sent another few texts throughout the day, not anything that would make him seem clingy or obsessive, just saying he loved you and asking if you were ok. But then the second day passed with still no reply, not even marked a seen, no recent activity on Instagram.
It was now the third day, or rather night, nearing the fourth morning.
Ethan let his eyes flick to the time at the top of his phone and let out a frustrated sigh, pressing two of his fingers to his temple. It was useless calling anyone to ask if he should be worried about you. Your parents weren't aware of his existence, he didn't have the phone number of your sibling(s), your friends would have no idea and neither would his. You had always up and left places, villages, towns, cities, countries, but not for too long unless you had a reason. The longest had been two weeks to Manchester for no apparent reason.
A loud knock on Ethan's door made him jump but he was glad for the distraction, however he couldn't help but hope that it was you. He rushed to answer it but he barely caught a glimpse of who it was before they attached themselves to him in the form of an embrace.

"Ethan."You gasped quietly as you clung to him. You were so happy to see him again, of course you could've come back at anytime but you had needed a few days to come to terms with what you had discovered while away.
"Y/N."You heard him say before breathing a sigh of relief, one of his hands coming to rest on your back and the other on your head, stroking your hair softly."Y/N, I'm so glad you're back. Where were you?"
You pulled away from him and bit your lip, deciding how to break the news to him."I-I was staying at a hotel."
"A hotel?"Ethan furrowed his brows, clearly puzzled."Care to elaborate?"
"I've been feeling a little sick for the past few weeks, in the mornings before I leave for work."You began to play with your fingers, refusing to look your boyfriend in the eyes."I was tired and irritable too and first I thought it was because it was getting close to my time of the month but then..."-you sighed loudly and groaned-"Ethan, don't freak out but I'm pregnant."
You turned and closed the door as you waited for his response.
"Oh. Oh."Your boyfriend replied."O-Oh...oh wow! You're pregnant?"
"Yep."You looked up sheepishly only to be met with his joyous expression."A-are you happy?"
"Of course I am!"He exclaimed."I mean yes it wasn't planned and yes it's not perfect timing but, I love you. What could ever be better than a mini version of us?! Can I?"
Ethan reached his hands towards your stomach, you took them and placed them against it.
You laughed."I thought you'd be angry."
"Angry? With you?"Ethan laughed too."If there's anyone to be angry at it's me, I'm the one who didn't pull out."
You smiled."I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N."

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