Victoria De Angelis🌙

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Imagine: Victoria meeting your family

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Imagine: Victoria meeting your family.
You were nervous...terrified even and you knew Victoria was very aware of this. Which was why she had kissed you in the car before going into your parents house and was now squeezing your hand under the table as you ate dinner with them. You hadn't said much all night as you were psyching yourself up to tell them the big news, you're a lesbian and Victoria wasn't your best friend, she's your girlfriend...of two years.
"So, Victoria,"Your mum started."any boys on the go?"
Victoria glanced at you briefly from the side of her eye while taking a sip of her wine.
You subtly shot her look that she knew meant you weren't ready right now to tell your parents.
"Um no."Your girlfriend shook her head."No boys."
"Girls then?"You dad asked before he was elbowed by your mum."What? Don't be so closed minded, she could be uh-what's it called again, Y/N?"
You almost choked on your drink and Victoria quickly placed a hand on your shoulder and asked if you were ok.
"I'm fine."You coughed. You were incredibly shocked that your dad had even wondered if Victoria was into girls, your parents had never once mentioned the LGBTQ+ community and whenever your mum saw a Pride March on tv she would change the channel."It's bisexual, dad."
"Right that's it."Your dad nodded."So, Victoria, any special girls?"
"Y/D/N."Your mum spoke sternly, death staring your dad.
"There is one girl."Victoria smiled and you blushed despite yourself. She reached under the table again and played with your finger tips."She's really amazing, perfect even."
"That's nice to hear."Your dad smiled jovially before turning to your mum."Isn't it, Y/M/N?"
With a huff and a screech of her chair your mum stood up."I'm going to clear up."
Later on you were sitting in your childhood bedroom, your mum had gone to her room not long after putting on the dishwasher and hadn't been seen since. You and Victoria had chatted to your dad a bit and sat watching the football with him before you began to get tired. At half time you'd left to go the bathroom and Victoria had come with you, she knew that you weren't ready to tell your parents...well at least not your mum, and she understood completely even though it frustrated her. She hated not being able to visibly hold your hand and kiss you around your family but she knew that you'd come out when the time is right.
You hated the way your mum acted, as if being part of the LGBTQ+ community was something bad and as you stared at the ceiling you began to remember all the little things she'd done, backing up the fact she was against being gay.
"Hey, are you ok?"Victoria gently nudged the door open and came to sit beside you on your bed.
You shook your head, sniffing as a few tears rolled down your cheeks."I'm never going to be able to tell my mum, am I?"
"Oh, Y/N."Your girlfriend pulled you into her arms and let you cry onto her shoulder."It's going to be ok, you'll be able to tell her one day."
"No I can't, she'll disown me, Vic."You explained."It's not just the way she's acted tonight, she's been like this ever since I was young enough to to understand what being gay was."
"Well what about your dad?"Victoria asked."He seems onboard."
"He'll tell my mum, they don't have secrets."You pulled out of her embrace."I'm sorry, I wish I could tell them b-"
"Don't apologise, I understand."Victoria kissed your tears away gently."I love you, mia bella."
"I love you too."You smiled weakly before kissing her lips lovingly.
Victoria was waiting in the car for you as you said goodbye to your parents, you'd only been there a night and couldn't wait until you were back in Italy. A place where you could be open about your relationship with Victoria.
"Bye, mum."You said as she hugged you."I love you."
"Stay safe good."She reminded you before walking away into the kitchen.
Now you didn't exactly know what she meant by "be good".
"Bye, dad."You hugged him."I love you."
"It's never easy seeing you leave, kiddo."He told you before pulling away."Before I forget, I have a present for you. Let's go outside."
You furrowed your brows and followed him out where he pulled out a small box.
"What is it?"You asked.
"Open it and see."Your dad handed you it.
You gasped and felt tears in your eyes when you saw it, a tiny miniature rainbow flag."Dad, I-how?"
"I've known for a while now, Y/N, but I just wanted to let you know that I support you and love you no matter what."He hugged you again."And Victoria seems like a real keeper."
"I love you so much, dad!"You exclaimed.
"Your mum will come around, Y/N, she just needs time."He promised you."I'll talk to her."
"Thanks."You smiled before waving and getting into the car beside Victoria. You handed her the rainbow flag.
"At least something good came of this trip."She beamed.
"Something definitely did."You agreed before kissing her.

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