Victoria De Angelis🌙

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Imagine: Having a crush on Victoria

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Imagine: Having a crush on Victoria.
"Well, I guess I'd better go."You sighed as you sat up on Ethan's bed.
While the band were staying in Italy for a little bit your best friend, Ethan, had invited you over to hang out. You were originally supposed to meet up a day earlier but he got stuck in the studio. It sucked as you felt you never got to see him anymore and if you never saw your best friend it meant you had to make new friends people suck.
"What do you mean?"Ethan asked, alarmed."I just text Damiano, Vic and Thomas. They're bringing pizza."
"Even more reason for me to go."You told him while putting on your shoes.
"Oh don't tell me you're on a diet, Y/N, that's stupid."Ethan got up to and went to sit beside you."You don't need to change, you're beautiful."
You rolled your eyes."I'm not on a diet, you know why I need to go."
"Because you are so in love with Victoria that you can't bear to be in the same room with her for longer than five seconds."Your best friend teased.
"Shut up. I'm not in love with her, I just-uh I-um-I really like her. That's all."You stuttered nervously while fiddling with the laces of your shoe.
Ethan laughed a little."You have a crush and it's adorable."
"Ugh, I hate that word."You shuddered."We're not twelve I do not have a crush on-"
"Ethan! Open up! We're here!"A loud voice called followed by a series of knocks on the door."Time to get this party started!"
You smiled at Damiano's cheeriness.
"Still sure you wanna go?"Ethan asked sadly.
You nodded with a frown."Yep, I'll see you soon."
You gave him a hug and walked to the door, Damiano's bare chest being the first thing you see.
"Come on, man, don't you own a shirt?"You joked as he strode into the room with Thomas in tow.
"I do but if I wore one I'd be depriving the world of all this!"He gestured to himself.
"And we can't have that, can we?"Thomas spoke sarcastically as he set the pizza boxes down on Ethan's bed.
"Where's Vic?"Ethan asked as the men made themselves at home.
"Parking the car."Thomas informed the same time as Damiano began to say."Psyching herself up f-"
But the singer was cut off by the guitarist kicking him in the shins.
"Ow!"He complained before kicking him back, which started a mini play fight between the two.
You giggled."I'll see you guys, bye!"
"Bye!"All three men chorused as you walked from Ethan's room.
A cool breeze sent a chill down your spine as you walked to where you'd left your car. It was unusually cold for Italy this time of year but you didn't mind, it gave you an excuse to wear cute jumpers and hoodies that you never had much use for.
You looked down at you feet while walking the short distance and began to ponder. Maybe you should've stayed back with the rest. Maybe your crush on Victoria had faded. Maybe you just thought it was so overwhelming because she had recently been all over your TikTok and the internet. Maybe-Oof!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry!"Began a very familiar Italian voice.
You looked up to see the face of the person you collided with and immediately became a blushing, gay mess."N-No I'm sorry."
"Y/N!"Victoria exclaimed as a Cheshire smile spread across her lips.
"H-hi."You stuttered, hugging your arms a little.
"How are you? I haven't seen you in so long."She said. Oh apparently now you were stopping to chat..oh ok.
"Uhm I've been good. You?"You asked quickly, including as few words as possible. You were right the first time, the crush was baaaaaad.
Victoria tucked a lock of hair behind her ear."I've been great, making music is insanely fun but incredibly hard."
"I can only imagine."You gave a half hearted laugh.
The bassist gave one too before you both trailed off and descended into an awkward silence.
It felt as if it lasted for years until Victoria broke it, when in reality it wasn't even as long as a full minute.
"Are you out here for a smoke or?"She asked.
"Oh no, I'm-I'm leaving."You nodded, chewing on your lip.
She pouted and you noticed it wasn't put on, she actually looked disappointed."Leaving? Why?"
"Oh uh, my cat's sick."You lied, mentally face palming. You didn't even have a cat.
"You got a cat?"Victoria raised an eyebrow.
"What's its name?"
"When'd you get it?"
"Last May."
Victoria pursed her lips in obvious frustration.
Huh, you were a damn good liar when your life or rather your fragile dignity depended on it.
"I wish you could stick around."Victoria told you.
"Me too."You whispered."But Scorpion needs me."
"Cats are very demanding."The bassist spoke sarcastically.
"I'll see you, Victoria."You waved before continuing to walk.
"That's isn't how you say goodbye to someone."You heard her say before you were pulled back and her lips crashed onto yours. Almost immediately you melted into the kiss, your shock dissolved as if it was nothing and in that moment there was nothing but you and her. No awkwardness, no panic, no rapid heart beating. Just you and Victoria. She eventually pulled away, leaving both of you a little breathless."That's how you saw goodbye to someone."
"Wow."You gasped."I hope that's not how you say goodbye to everyone."
Victoria laughed."Just the people I really like...but you have to go."
"Well,"You sucked in a breath."I guess I could stick around for a little bit."
"What about Scorpion?"The bassist teased.
"She'll be fine."

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