The Chapter With The Secret Entrance

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He sat silently in his room. The dorm rooms at the academy were quite cozy. They were monochrome and had a nice bathroom and bed. It's sad a perfect bathroom hat to go to waste, Korekiyo knew he wouldn't be using that bathroom anytime soon. The reason why had to be kept secret.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A gentle knock was heard coming from the door. Korekiyo stood up and dusted himself off, he made his way to the door and opened it. There a stood a large silhouette. It scared Korekiyo for a second until he realized it was just Gonta. Korekiyo sighed of relief and let Gonta in. Gonta was smiling widely, gripping the strap attached to his bug container.

"Was there something you needed, Gonta?" Korekiyo asked.

"Gonta wants to show Kiyo something!" Gonta exclaimed.

"What is it you want to show me?" Korekiyo questioned, leading Gonta out the door.

"Gonta was investigating and think he found escape. Kiyo is smart so Gonta want Kiyo to check." Gonta said.

"Well let's go, quickly!" Korekiyo pushed himself out the door with Gonta in front of him.

Gonta lead Korekiyo out of the dorms and down a small flight of stairs on the right of the dormitory. They followed through this small path until arriving upon a small building. Gonta opened the door and let Korekiyo in. The room seemed to be a boiler room? But it was still covered head-to-toe in vines. Gonta uncovered an empty area on the side of the room to reveal a yellow plate, covering a hole.

"Would you mind uncovering it?" Korekiyo requested. Gonta obeyed and lifted up the plate.

"The hole has ladder going down, Gonta think it's an escape hole." Gonta said, looking down the dark hole.

"It looks like there's some sort of concrete flooring down there. Let me see if I can get a closer look..." More looked down the hole. It looked tall enough to hurt you if you fell but short enough so you would get that hurt.

As Korekiyo was lost in his own thoughts, he didn't realize how close he was to falling. He had his knees on the edge of the hole and his hands in the hole, holding onto the first bar. His fingers were just barely hanging onto the bar. He gripped onto the bar every once in a while but when he wasn't paying attention, his fingers slipped. He lost all balance and couldn't push all of his weight onto his knees. Just like that, he fell.


With a large thump, Korekiyo had hit the floor. His head took the first blow before his arms and legs had made contact with the concrete. He laid limp and unconscious. Fortunately, Gonta was just arriving back with some items from the large storage room in the school building.

"Kiyo! Kiyooo?" Gonta called out, he didn't get a response. "Ooh! Maybe Kiyo went down hole." Gonta made his way down the ladder just to arrive upon Korekiyo's unconscious body. "Kiyo!!" Gonta gasped.

Gonta lifted up Korekiyo's head and laid it on his lap. Gonta sat there not knowing what to do. His newest friend and one of the closest ones he's had in a while, he couldn't lose him already. Gonta laid Korekiyo down on the ground and went back up the ladder. He grabbed a few ropes from the pile of gadgets he got. With the ropes in hand, Gonta went back down the ladder. He tied Korekiyo's legs around his waist then tied Korekiyo's around Gonta's chest.

"Sorry Kiyo... Gonta can't hold you when climbing." Gonta whispered to himself before beginning his climb.

The ladder was large but it was also short enough where you could climb up quickly. Meaning that they got to the top quickly. After a minute, Gonta had reached the top. He slipped through the hole and untied Korekiyo. Gonta swooped Korekiyo up bridal style and carried him to the dorms. After entering Korekiyo's room, Gonta laid Korekiyo on his bed.

"Um..." Gonta stood there and contemplated what to do next. Should he get Kirumi or sit here and wait for Korekiyo to wake up. But the universe had already decided for him, Korekiyo had woken up.

Korekiyo sat up and placed his hand on his forehead. He was nauseous and dizzy. It felt like he was in a dream for a second. Gonta was pacing the room, oblivious of the tall man he had just carried to his bed. The entomologist finally stopped in his tracks and turned the bed. He jumped at the sight of an awake anthropologist.

"Kiyo!" Gonta leaped over the to bed and looked directly into Korekiyo's eyes. "Is Kiyo okay?"

"Um..." Korekiyo couldn't answer, he was too dizzy to think straight.

"Gonta will get Kirumi!" Gonta stood up and ran out of the room.

A few minutes later Gonta returned with Kirumi. It turns out Korekiyo had a concussion, that would explain why he was so dizzy. After Korekiyo threw up, Kirumi left so he could rest. However, Gonta stayed behind. He had his hands in his lap and his head was down, you could tell that he was upset about something.

"Gonta, is there something wrong?" Korekiyo asked, being abnormally calm.

"Gonta just..." Gonta sniffled. "Gonta is sorry.."

"What for?" Korekiyo questioned.

"Gonta should've stayed with Kiyo when he was looking in hole, now Kiyo is hurt." Gonta whined.

"It wasn't your fault Gonta, it was mine. I was the one who should've been paying attention. But, thank you for worrying." Korekiyo placed his bandaged hand on Gonta's shoulder. Gonta turned then nodded.

"Gonta hopes you feel better soon." Gonta smiled just slightly before leaving the room. Korekiyo laid down and closed his eyes.

"I apologize for being such a wreck sister.." Korekiyo stuttered as the lights went out.

And in the silent dark a voice rang "Don't be worried Dear Korekiyo. It is not your fault. It's his."

Published Friday, June 25th, 2021

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