The Chapter With The Escape Route

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He sat there angry after hearing Monokuma's speech. Everyone began complaining and pouting. They were all concerned and disappointed knowing that this dream was going to annoy them forever. Kirumi finally calmed the room down. She proposed that everyone explain the rest of their dreams. Everyone nodded and began sharing.

After sharing their dreams, everyone went their ways. Of course avoiding the person they shared a dream with. Korekiyo was exploring the outside, seeing if he could find another way out. When searching, he remembered the sewer hole that he fell in.

"The escape hole..." Korekiyo muttered to himself.

"An escape hole!? Korekiyo!" A voice shouted from behind him. Korekiyo turned around to see Kaede and Shuichi. "You didn't tell us there was an escape hole! C'mon, let's go round up the others!" Kaede demanded.

Korekiyo obeyed and began calling people to the dining hall. Once everyone had arrived, they all stared at Korekiyo.

"The reason why you were all called back here was because me and Gonta found what looked to be an escape route." Korekiyo explained, looking to Gonta for assistance.

"Oh! Yeah! Gonta found sewer hole and got Kiyo to help Gonta look in it." Gonta added on.

"Unfortunately I got distracted and fell in so we couldn't check it out that day. But now that I remembered, we could go look at it now.

"Well? Let's go!" Kaede commanded. Korekiyo admired Kaede's confidence and take-charge attitude. It made him jealous how he couldn't do that himself. He wanted to take charge.

Avoiding his minor jealousy, he joined the group and headed to the small building behind the school. Gonta let everyone in and showed the hole being covered by the grass.

"Okay! Let's go open it up. Kiiboy! Open it up, you're not the human so you should be our slave." Kokichi demanded.

"Slave!? That's robophobic! Either way, I can't pick it up.." Kiibo stated.

"Why not?" Shuichi asked.

"I was designed to have the strength of your everyday elderly man." Kiibo said with pride.

"That's fucking lame." Miu blurted out.

"Hey! I was designed to be the most human-like robot out there!" Kiibo shot back.

"Yeah yeah, totally." Miu rolled her eyes.

"Let's not focus on Kiibo and focus on how we're going to lift this thing up. It's way too heavy for a normal human." Maki said. That turned everyone's attention to Gonta.

"Huh?... Oh! Gonta will do it." Gonta smiled before approaching the hole. He lifted up the cover with his two fingers.

"Holy shit..." Miu gasped.

"Why can't you do that, Kiiboy? You really are that unreliable." Kokichi shrugged before heading for the ladder. "Hey, how deep is this thing?"

"It's quite deep, you could probably hurt yourself if you jumped down but it wouldn't be anything major." Korekiyo stated.

"I'm guessing you know from experience?" Kaede asked. Korekiyo nodded, slightly embarrassed. Kaede giggled then went for the ladder.

One after another, everyone went down the ladder. With one hop and almost falling over, the last person got off the ladder. The group began looking around for an escape route until Shuichi caught the larger sewer hole in the corner of the room. He called everyone over to him. They all stared into the hole.

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