The Chapter With The Newfound Jealousy

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"Gonta disagrees." The tall man whined, gaining a guilty look from him.

"Gonta, I--"

"No!" Gonta stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "Gonta has family! Gonta's family loves Gonta! They're- They're looking for Gonta right now. Just like they did when Gonta was lost!" Gonta shouted before running out of the room, crying.

"What was that?" Tsumugi asked.

"Gonta and I got into a fight the other night and I said somethings that weren't very... nice.." Korekiyo answered with a guilty tone in his voice.

"What'd you say?" Tsumugi asked again.

"I'd rather not answer that." Korekiyo mumbled.

"Well then who's going to check on Gonta? Korekiyo was the only one who really talked to him." Kaede stated.

"I guess I could go. Me and him spoke a little while we were investigating yesterday so I'm sure it'd be okay." Ryoma said, hopping off his chair. He waved goodbye before walking off.

"Now that Gonta's problem is solved, can you tell us what happened between the two of you?" Kirumi asked Korekiyo. Korekiyo sighed quietly and looked down.

"Last night after me and Gonta left the secret escape, we began talking. He was scared and worried he might die. I tried to cheer him up by listing different methods to distract him. When I brought up family, I got distracted and began ranting about my sister. Gonta thought it was weird how me and my sister's bond was so strong. He kept calling it weird and unnatural and that's when I lashed out. I began yelling at him and asking him about his family. I asked if he even had any family. Gonta seemed extremely bothered by the question and began crying. He stormed off and I didn't see him for the rest of the night.." Korekiyo explained. The group stared at him in disbelief.

"Really dude? Even I wouldn't be that mean to Gonta." Kokichi said, disappointed.

"Yeah, dude. That's really mean.." Miu muttered. The entire group kept whispering things to each other while staring at Korekiyo.

"I think we should get going, we have more things to investigate." Kaede suggested. The group nodded in unison and left the room, leaving Korekiyo behind. Korekiyo laid his head on the counter and sighed.

"I'm going back to my room.." Korekiyo whispered to himself. He stood up and left the room. He trudged his way back to the dorms and locked himself in.

That routine continued for the next few days. Korekiyo would wake up, get prepared for the next lonely 24 hours, go the dining hall and see everyone chatting, the room would go silent as he walked in but he'd ignore it. Breakfast would be served and he'd few bits of it before complaining about being full and going back to his room.

Korekiyo had lost all motivation. Everyday after breakfast he'd go back to his room and nap the entire day. He only went out once for a snack each day. But on his small yet tiring journey, he'd notice Gonta and Ryoma talking. It'd make his heart ache and he had no clue why. Korekiyo would sit there and stare for a few seconds until he was caught by someone. This routine continued on until...

*Ding Dong, Ding Dong*

"Oh my god..." Kaede whispered.

"What happened to you?.." Kirumi muttered.

"Everyone move!" Kokichi shouted, pushing through the crowd. "What's so crazy-- Oh.."

"Rantaro's dead!?" Tenko screamed.

"Ohhh... Who would do this? Who did it? Fess up!" Tsumugi cried.

"I'll kill whoever did this to him..." Kaito mumbled, angry.

"Well, you guys heard what Monokuma said. It's time to start investigating." Maki stated.

"We can't do this... We'll never be able to do this." Shuichi whined.

"Shuichi, c'mon. Don't say that! You're the ultimate detective. You can help us win this." Kaede said, placing her hand on Shuichi's shoulder.

"Yeah, dude. You can help us get through this." Kaito added. The rest of group joined in and continued to root Shuichi on.

Ignoring that an ally died? Rooting for someone who could be a suspect. And they call me the insane one... Korekiyo thought to himself.

And so, after the small self-esteem boost they gave Shuichi, everyone began investigating. Well, not everyone. As expected, Korekiyo returned to his room and laid down. He eventually fell asleep and napped through the investigation. He wasn't involved during the murder, so he won't be involved now.

Korekiyo was awoken to the sound of the Monokub's obnoxious voices ringing through the speakers. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. After stretching and standing up, he made his way to the destination Monokuma listed. When he arrived, everyone was already there. Korekiyo must've arrived late because he arrived later than Maki. Everyone looked at him with some sort of look. Whether it being mean or concerned. Korekiyo just sighed and looked down, not communicating with anyone.

After a while, Monokuma finally appeared to explain what was going to happen. When he left, the large Monokuma statue began moving. It disappeared and made a pathway to a hidden elevator. One by one, everyone boarded the elevator eventually started moving. The ride down was slow and bumpy and lasted for at least two minutes.

"Hey, Korekiyo." A familiar deep voice called. Korekiyo looked down to see Ryoma at his feet. "Gonta told me what happened between you two and I just want to tell you something." Ryoma whispered.

"Hm?" Korekiyo hummed, crouching down to Ryoma's height.

"Listen man, if you have a problem with Gonta just let me know. I don't have a problem with you being mean to him, I just thought it was unnatural because you two got close to each other pretty quick then suddenly started fighting. If you wanna tell me why you lashed out then go ahead. I'll tell Gonta what happened and you two can try sorting things out." Ryoma whispered to Korekiyo.

"Oh.. Thank you, Ryoma. Thank you for being so understanding. When I told the others what happened, they seemed disappointed." Korekiyo explained.

"Yeah, when Kokichi told me the story he seemed a little upset." Ryoma chuckled. Korekiyo responded with a small giggle and pat Ryoma's head.

Ryoma walked off to Gonta. Gonta's mood completely changed when he walked over. He seemed... happier. Just looking at the two of them being so nice to each other hurt Korekiyo deeply. What was this feeling? Did he have heartburn? Why did his chest hurt so bad? And most of all, why does it feel like heartbreak?

Published Wednesday, July 14th, 2021

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