The Chapter With The Next Episode

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I am transgender and homosexual. I can repeat slurs that are said in this following chapter.

The elevator ride back was silent and dreadful. No one said anything, no one wanted to say anything. It was complete silence. Once the group reached the top, they all spread apart in the gazebo. Not a single word came out of another person's mouth. Only silence. That was until someone spoke up.

"Welp! That was and interesting trial! Really tired me out," Kokichi yawned.

"Do you ever shut up?" Maki darted. Kokichi gasped at the sudden comment.

"Well I'd never!" Kokichi whined. "That's not something to say to someone who knows your secret."

"What do you mean by that?" Maki asked, perking up.

"Oh puh-lease! As if any of us would believe someone as dark as you would be considered 'the ultimate child care-giver'," Kokichi laughed. "I think someone like you would fit the role of an... assassin?"

Just like that, a sudden movement swooped across the room. The next thing that the room see's is Maki holding Kokichi by the neck. Kokichi smirks smugly as he struggles under Maki's grip.

"Where did you learn that!?" Maki asked, her hand tightening on Kokichi's neck.

"Maki, put him down!" Kaito shouted, jumping into to stop Maki.

Maki dropped the smaller boy. Kokichi fell to the ground with a thump and started coughing. While Kokichi struggled, Maki stared at him. It looked like she was stabbing him with her mind.

"I was... right. You r-really got.. a grip, girlie," Kokichi wheezed out as he stood up. "Why not tell us... ahem.. why you wanted to hide that..from us?"

Maki didn't respond and only stormed out. Kaito and Shuichi followed behind. After the three left, the room went silent again. Student after student began to exit until it was just Kokichi, Gonta, and Korekiyo. Immediately, Kokichi began barking orders at Gonta.

"Gonta, help me out here. I need to get to my dorm," Kokichi demanded. Gonta watched the boy silently, not sure want to do. "Gonta, now."

"Gonta wanted to go with Kiyo tonight..." Gonta murmured.

"I don't care what you want. I've just been choked by some crazy lady and I can't focus," Kokichi snapped.

"Maki isn't a 'crazy lady,' Maki is smart and cool! Gonta likes Maki!" Gonta spoke up.

"...Fine! Go with your stupid friend! I can be on my own," Kokichi scoffed and wobbled out. He obviously wasn't used to being denied. So when Gonta disobeyed, he freaked.

"You didn't have to do that, Gonta. You could've gone with him," Korekiyo said.

"But Gonta wants to be Kiyo tonight. Gonta knows Kiyo will make Gonta feel better," Gonta murmured. "...Gonta doesn't want to be alone after tonight."

"I'll be with you, Gonta. No need to worry," Korekiyo reassured Gonta. "Let's head back to the dorms to get some sleep. Some exploring is going to be done tomorrow.

Korekiyo and Gonta walked back to the dorms. The entire time, Gonta seemed to be unusually clingy. He wouldn't let go of Korekiyo's hand. And when Korekiyo moved his hand to tie his shoe, Gonta decided to grip tightly to Korekiyo's shoulder instead. The sudden clinginess worried Korekiyo. However, he still brushed it off for the night. He knew what to expect once he fell asleep.

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