The Chapter Without a Helping Hand

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"A body has been discovered!" his voice rang through the gym. "Since you've all gathered in the gym already, I'll be right there."

When all the commotion calmed down, Monokuma stepped through the gym doors. He sighed loudly and dramatically. After getting no response, he sighed again. He then crossed his small arms and groaned.

"You guys are so dramatic, such babies! Like, even my Monokubs are more mature than you! Speaking of, where are they?" Monokuma pondered.

"We have to get the body out of there to investigate," Shuichi said, ignoring Monokuma.

"How do we get him out, though?" Kaito asked.

"Kaito, Kiibo. Help Gonta break glass," Gonta answered, rushing down the stairs.

"Wait, how am I supposed to help? I only have the power of an average man. I'm not strong--" Kiibo was interrupted when Gonta grabbed their legs. Kaito immediately caught on and grabbed Kiibo by their hands. The two swung them back and forth before launching them right at the glass. The glass shattered and bloody water spread everywhere along with the bones landing in a neat pile on the wooden floor.

"Gross! Think about the mess you can create the next time you throw that stupid robot at glass again!" Miu whined, backing away from the water.

"Gonta sorry!" Gonta apologized.

The three at the front immediately backed up. They stared at the mess ahead of them, taking in the entire thing. It was... horrendous. Throughout his entire life, Korekiyo never thought he'd something so gorey. It made students lean over and retch, it made students want to start cry and beg Monokuma to let them out. Korekiyo was close to being one of those people, but he had to keep his composure. Keep his composure for him.

"Can Kiyo wake up Ryoma?" Gonta whimpered. Korekiyo looked up at the taller man. There were tears in his eyes, swelling up to the point of pouring out his eyes. Korekiyo pulled Gonta outside the gym and into the hall.

"I know you're sad, Gonta. I am too. But you need to keep yourself together or else we won't be able to find out who killed him," Korekiyo said as he gently rubbed Gonta's cheek with his thumb.

"But why did Ryoma have to go? Why not Gonta?" Gonta cried into Korekiyo's hand.

"Everyone has a fate, Gonta. Almost as if it's scripted, almost as if it's meant for us. We can't stop it," Korekiyo explained. "Now, if we want to find out who did this to Ryoma then we need to hold back the tears."

Gonta looked down, tears still streaming down his cheek. He whined quietly before shoving himself into Korekiyo's embrace. His grip held tight to Korekiyo's body, almost snapping him. After a few seconds, a cough was heard from the gym doors. Korekiyo peeked over to see Monophanie's small body leaning from around the corner. She jumped after making eye contact with Korekiyo then tripped over herself.

"U-Um.. I hate to interrupt you both, but I have the case file," Monophanie mumbled awkwardly. "I'll just, uh... leave it right here," Monophanie set down the small tablet and ran back into the gym.

Korekiyo pushed Gonta away from the hug and grabbed his shoulders, "Are you ready to do this?" Korekiyo asked. Gonta nodded, sadly, and approached the tablet with Korekiyo.

The two reviewed the tablet before walking back into the gym where Shuichi and Kaito were already questioning the others. Gonta and Korekiyo scoot to the back of the gym near the stage and waited to be interrogated. And after Shuichi did his questions around the room, he approached the two boys.

"How do you think this happened?" Shuichi asked.

"Not sure. It's like his body came out of nowhere," Korekiyo answered.

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