The Chapter With The Question of Love

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He shot up from his bed, panting heavily. Another dream... He thought to himself. The morning announcement went off, signalling everyone's waking. Korekiyo got out of bed and got ready for the day. He tried deciphering the dream in his head as he showered, but still no answers.

Korekiyo dried off and got dressed. He left the form building and once again ran into Kirumi on the road.

"Good morning, Korekiyo," Kirumi greeted Korekiyo, bowing as she spoke.

"Good morning, Kirumi. Did you get another dream as well?" Korekiyo asked.

"I did. It was a but more odd than the last one. It seemed as ig me and Angie were in a relationship?" Kirumi sighed.

"The same for I. Gonta and I seemed  to be in a very close relationship," Korekiyo explained.

"Let's go ask the others what happened in their dreams," Kirumi suggested. Korekiyo nodded in return, and they both made their way to the dining area.

Kirumi opened the door and everyone was there but two people, Kaito and Shuichi.

"Ah, you two are alright. We were worried for a second," Tsumugi sighed of relief.

"Calm down, Tiny Tits! Who would ever kill again after witnessing that?" Miu scoffed.

"Tiny Tits?" Tsumugi mumbled.

"Enough of that. Do you two know where Kaito and Shuichi are?" Making asked, her look demanding for an answer.

"We have no knowledge of their whereabouts. Kirumi and I met in front of the dorms then headed straight for the dining area," Korekiyo stated as he sat down in his seat.

"So no Shuichi or Kaito?" Gonta asked, nervously.

"They'll show up soon," Ryoma assured Gonta, Gonta nodding in return. The two speaking to each other made Korekiyo bubble up with anger.

"Sorry we're late!" A familiar voice shouted as the door flew open.

"Kaito!" Tsumugi smiled widely. "Where's Shuichi?"

"Right here.." Shuichi turned the corner. He didn't have his hat on.

"No hat today?" Kirumi questioned, smirking a bit.

"No hat?" Kaito looked at Shuichi. "Oh, I didn't notice that. You look great, bro!"

"Thanks, Kaito," Shuichi smiled, his face turning a little pink.

"So we're all going to sit here and ignore what happened last night?" Kokichi spoke up, a plain look on his face. "I know I wasn't dreaming, if I was then my dream would've had Rantaro in it the entire time."

"That reminds me..." Ryoma exclaimed. "Tsumugi, Kokichi, did your dreams change at all after the other two died?" He asked. Neither of them answered.

"Puhuhuhu... If you're too scared ta' answer I got ya' answer right here," Monokuma's devious voice echoed throughout the room. His small body exited a shadow from the corner, his hands behind his back. "Do ya' want me to tell 'em or do you two wanna speak up?" Monokuma giggled. Yet again, no answer.

"...I'll say something." Tsumugi mumbled. "They weren't really there, mentally."

"What do you mean by that?" Kirumi asked. Before Tsumugi could start speaking again, Kokichi interrupted.

"They were dead. They spoke, laughed, lived, and acted as normal humans, but they weren't alive. It was almost as if they were shells, it was so cool!" Kokichi chirped.

"That doesn't sound 'cool', it sounds horrifying," Kiibo muttered.

"What did they look like? Did they look like themselves before death or did they look a little different?" Kirumi asked.

"Kaede looked pale. Her eyes were constantly covered in some sort of shadow so I couldn't see all of her face, and she had a short noose around her neck," Tsumugi said.

"What did you see, Kokichi?" Kirumi turned to Kokichi.

"Rantaro was sorta the same. He had this shadow covering his eyes, but he had a large gauge in his head. Blood the trickling from it. It looked so gross. Made me wanna vomit!" Kokichi snickered.

"That's not something to be proud of, Kokichi," Kirumi said, disappointed. "Well, thank you both for sharing," Tsumugi responds with a nod and a sad smile, Kokichi smiles and places his hands behind his head.

"Hmph, I guess you didn't need me," Monokuma sighs. "Whatever! That just means I get to leave earlier. Toodles!" And just like that, Monokuma had left the group.

After Monokuma left, Kirumi stood up and offered to make food. A few minutes later the food was finished and everyone had split apart. Korekiyo had placed himself on the staircase that led out to the courtyard. He stared at the large glass dome ahead on him. The one that led him down to his first trial. It hurt staring back at the building, but he couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Room for another?" A familiar deep voice asked. Korekiyo turned toward the voice to see the short man that stood next to him.

"Ah, yes. Do as you please," Korekiyo said as he gestured to the empty spot next to him. He leaned his head against the cold, metal pole attached to the brick wall.

"You're hair looks nice," Ryoma smirked.

"Oh.. Thank you," Korekiyo responded, awkwardly.

"Mhm..." Ryoma muttered before a painful silence fell over the two. "...What made you cut it?"

"I told you before, it was family issues," Korekiyo answered.

"I understand that, it just felt like an in the moment lie," Ryoma refuted. Korekiyo sighed and lifted his head up. He clenched the pole tightly.

"It was family issues. Personal issues. All I can say is... the haircut made me feel like I wasn't me," Korekiyo explained, getting a nod in return from Ryoma.

"Are these 'personal issues' the reason you got so upset with Gonta?" Ryoma asked. Korekiyo kept his mouth shut. "Understandable." Ryoma nodded.

"...I feel so different with him." Korekiyo whispered.

"Different how?" Ryoma questioned.

"Like.. I feel so angry when he's with someone else. But when he's with me, I feel so much better. I've never felt like this in forever and it's... weird." Korekiyo stated. Ryoma started laughing.

"Have you not been exposed to love?"

Published Thursday, October 14th, 2021

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