The Chapter With a Book of Resurrection

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im currently writing this the day chapter 18 was posted. watch me take ANOTHER three months just to get this part out LMAO.

so sorry for never posting. like, at all. habits are hard to create and im trying my best to stay on top of school work so i dont gotta pull a yasuhiro hagakure and repeat a grade D: anyways, ty all sm for reading. you guys are the greatest. please enjoy this new chapter that will hopefully be posted within the month of march.

To say that Korekiyo's day was decent is an understatement. If he weren't so poised, he would've called his day "shitty." Unfortunately for him, he has too high of self-esteem to curse. So all he can do is cuss himself out in his head. However, that doesn't help with the fact that Kokichi has been all over him all day. All. Day.

Korekiyo's extremely late morning started with him immediately running into Kokichi. He was hit in the face with a loud "look who's up" as soon as he left his dorm. And for the rest of it, Kokichi kept replying to any action of his with snarky remarks. Korekiyo still wanted to eat breakfast despite waking up late? Nope, apparently it was lazy of him to do so. Korekiyo wanted to go to his Ultimate Lab? Nuh-uh, he had to share his presence with the world. Korekiyo wanted to stop by the library to read something new? Nah, he's already smart enough and doesn't need to show off.

This purple brat was driving Korekiyo insane. The only part that made him feel better is the fact that Kokichi being around him meant that Kokichi would be spending less time around Gonta. If Korekiyo acted mopey all day then he could keep Gonta safe while still not interacting with him. However, that didn't last long. Because the Monokubs had some crazy announcement and they needed everyone in the gym to do so.

"Ooooh!~" Kokichi giggled. He leaned into Korekiyo and nudged him, "You gotta see your boyfriend now!" He teased in a sing-songy voice.

Korekiyo pushed Kokichi off and retorted back, "He is not my boyfriend you imbecile." Kokichi gasped dramatically and fake fainted into Korekiyo's arms.

"Oh, Korekiyo! You must apologize now!"

"And why should I?"

"Because if you don't then I will tell Gonta you just shoved me."

"I didn't shove you! I--... Ugh.."


"I'm.. sorry."

"That's better!"

Kokichi then happily trotted off to the gym, leaving Korekiyo to himself. Just before he began to walk off, he was interrupted.

"What do you think his gravestone should say?" Maki asked from behind Korekiyo, making him jump.

"I don't believe that is something right to discuss. Especially in this killing game situation we seem to be in.." Korekiyo responded.

"Don't worry, I won't be telling anyone." Maki responded. Korekiyo didn't speak, he just looked ahead in the direction Kokichi went, "I'll give you a minute to think about that one."

"Thank you," Korekiyo said. Maki just nodded her head and walked off.

Korekiyo finally went to the gym. He ended up being the last one there, making everyone turn their heads towards him. And he sadly saw Kokichi stand with Gonta. All Korekiyo did was sigh and walk to the other side of the room, standing beside Kaito and Shuichi.

When everyone was finally situated, the remaining Monokubs came out of stage: Monodam, Monophanie, and Monotaro. They stepped up to the podium and began to speech.


"This shall be your friendly motive!" Monophanie speaks up, pulling out a old and dusty book.

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