The Chapter With The New Dream

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He stood and stared at the starry man posed angrily in front of the detective. Kaito screamed in anger, tears streaming down his face.

"Didn't you hear what Kaede said!? She said... she believed in you!" Kaito shouted. "That she passed her wish onto you! But what the Hell's wrong with you!? You didn't say a damn thing to Monokuma! You call yourself a man!?!?"

The room fell silent. Nothing was heard but the small footsteps that Shuichi took when standing up. Kaito stared intensly at Shuichi.

"Aren't you gonna say something!? I just hit you, and I was a dick! And you don't do anything?" Kaito shouted from behind tears.

"That's enough Kaito." Kirumi said, also upset. "It's about time we go to sleep."

"Okay mom!" Kokichi giggled before skipping off.

"Please do not call me that.." Kirumi muttered before walking to the elevator.

Eventually everyone joined in on the elevator. As the slow, painfully slow, elevator went up, Korekiyo though about how much the larger the elevator felt. It was only one person but then again, it just makes you realize how big the elevator was at first.

When they reached the top everyone got off and went back to their rooms except for two people. Korekiyo and Gonta. The two were back to back, neither of them were facing each other. Korekiyo had wondered why Gonta was still here. Normally he'd be the one to go straight to his room and go straight to sleep. And it made Korekiyo even more confused. Especially after seeing something like that, surely Gonta would go to his room to try and get those thoughts out of his head.

"Hey, Kiyo..." Gonta spoke up. "Isn't Monokuma giving new dream tonight?"

"Oh.. I forgot all about that. At this point the dreams were already becoming a normal thing to me." Korekiyo responded. Silence fell upon the two one more time. Korekiyo finally gave up and began speaking one more time. "Gonta, look. I-" Korekiyo turned around and was interrupted by Gonta standing right in front of him.

"Does Kiyo really think that Gonta has no family..?" Gonta asked, obviously on the verge of tears.

"Of course not. I... Ahem. I freaked. I flipped. I wasn't right. I was too attached. But I got over it. I mean.. I even cut my hair just to get over her. I just wanted to prove that I'm not like that. I did it for... for you." Korekiyo mumbled. Korekiyo was extremely flustered and he didn't know why. He only felt like this around his sister.

"For.. Gonta?" Gonta questioned, a little flustered.

"Mhm... I just didn't have time to tell you since you were with Ryoma so much. I'm..." Korekiyo sighed looked directly at Gonta. "I apologize Gonta. It was my fault." Nothing came from either mouth. It was silence again.

"Gonta sorry too!" Gonta sobbed before hugging Korekiyo tightly.

"Gonta, what are you sorry for? I was the one who yelled at you.." Korekiyo laughed nervously, hugging Gonta back.

"B-But Gonta left Kiyo! And G-Gonta made Kiyo feel bad!" Gonta cried.

"Hey.." Korekiyo placed his hand on Gonta's cheek. "Don't cry, it's alright. Why don't we go to sleep now. you must be exhausted."

"Okay..." Gonta murmured. Gonta grabbed Korekiyo's hand, catching Korekiyo off guard. Korekiyo sighed and walked back to the dorms with Gonta, catching Ryoma on the way there. He winked at Korekiyo, making Korekiyo giggle and wink back.

Korekiyo led Gonta to his room and wished him goodnight. After his final apology hug from Gonta, Korekiyo went to his room. He laid in bed and closed his eyes. In a second he fell right to sleep...

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