The Chapter With The Dream

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"Him? No, no, it can't be him..." He whispered in the dark.

"He's the one ruining you. Leave him. Please me, Dear Korekiyo." The feminine voice rang again.

"Yes.... sister..." Korekiyo shut his mouth, thoughts running through his head. He never had a friend growing up, why can't he have one now? "But--"

"Silence!... Do not speak, just sleep."

"Yes, sister..." Korekiyo shut his mouth and closed his eyes. He eventually drifted into sleep.

Dreaming... Dreaming... Dreaming.... Wake up!

He opened his eyes. The boy with green hair stared at him. A gasp escaped his mouth. He bolted up and touched at his face. Mask? Mask mask mask... Where is it?

"Korekiyoooo? Hellooo?" The little boy waved his hand in front of Korekiyo's face. "Are you back? Are you okay? Why are you touching your face?"

"Um..." What Korekiyo saw in front of him was questionable. It was Gonta but... he was a kid?

"Korekiyo? You blacked out for a second. What's wrong?" Gonta asked.

"You.. You can speak in first person?" Korekiyo asked, confused.

"First person? Korekiyo you scaring me. Let me just finish my sentence. I'm just all mad cuz my parents wouldn't let me go out in the forest earlier. I got lost once! Well 6 times... But still!" Gonta continued to rant. Korekiyo was still confused but listened intently.

The leaves blew around them, sending them years into the future. They sat in the same position on the same hill. Korekiyo's hands were planted firmly on the ground, holding him up. Gonta sat with his knees to his chest. His head was sitting on his knees. Gonta looked upset, as if he had just heard bad news.

"I can't believe I have to leave tomorrow. This hill will mean nothing now. It'll just be a blank space now." Gonta pouted.

"I wouldn't say that. What if two more friends meet up here each day? What if you don't move far and you can travel to the hill again?" Korekiyo said.

"Korekiyo you don't understand!" Gonta slammed his fist on the ground. He buried his face in his knees and clenched his teeth. "I wanted to live the rest of my life here with you. I wanted to be on this hill each day. Or at least until I built up the courage to tell me the truth..."

"Tell me the truth? What do you mean?" Korekiyo asked, sitting straight.

"I can't tell you, it's too late..." Gonta sighed.

"If you can turn in your homework late then you can confess to me late." Korekiyo snickered.

"I love you!" Gonta shouted.

The laughing stopped. Awkward, terrible, and utter silence fell over the two. Korekiyo was frozen in place. He was shocked. That was his best friend. Is this why he was so stubborn when it came to love? Was this the reason why he was so jealous of Rantaro? Is this why Gonta despised Shuichi for so long when he found out Shuichi had a crush on Korekiyo.

"How could I not notice! Ugh!" Korekiyo flung forward and placed his hand on his forehead. "This explains so much. I mean..." It finally hit him. His face flushed red.  "You? Me? Why me? Why not someone like.. Yumeno! Yumeno seems to fit you."

"If you're rejecting me just say it straight up, quit trying to play matchmaker." Gonta rolled his eyes.

"No.. No! This is not a rejection. I just..." Korekiyo put his finger on his chin. He threw himself onto Gonta and wrapped his arms around his neck. He quickly connected their lips before Gonta could respond.

Gonta grabbed Korekiyo's waist and pulled him closer. He moved his hand up to Korekiyo's face and placed his hand on Korekiyo's cheek. Korekiyo's giggled at the gesture, causing Gonta to laugh as well. The two pulled away while laughing.

"We just did that..." Korekiyo's laughed.

"Mhm.." Gonta mumbled, just as surprised. "But, I'm moving tomorrow. We won't be able to do this again."

"Well then.. we're just going to have to make it last. C'mon." Korekiyo stood up and put his hand out.

"I don't want to." Gonta smirked.

"Quit being stubborn, get up." Korekiyo demanded.

"Fine." Gonta sat up and grabbed Korekiyo's hand. "Nevermind." He pulled Korekiyo down, the force causing them to roll down the hill. After landing and catching their breath, Korekiyo looked to Gonta with a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" Korekiyo asked, obviously worried.

"I'm alright, I should be worrying  about you though. You're way more fragile than I am. Are you hurt in any way?" Gonta grabbed Korekiyo by his shoulders and inspected his body, making sure nothing ripped, bruised, or burned.

"Fragile? Listen, I may be built like a stick but at least I didn't do something stupid and dangerous by pulling someone down a hill!" Korekiyo shot back.

"Wow, and I was worrying about you for a second." Gonta rolled his eyes and leaned back.

"You're an asshole." Korekiyo joked.

"And so are you." Gonta teased. "...C'mere" Gonta grabbed Korekiyo and placed him in his lap.

"I love you..." Korekiyo whispered into Gonta's ear.

"I love you too." Gonta whispered back.

"Don't whisper in my ear, it gives me goosebumps." Korekiyo giggled.

"You mean something like this?" Gonta whispered once more.

"Stop..! Hehehe... I hate you." Korekiyo joked.

"And I hate you too." Gonta said while wrapping his arms around Korekiyo.

After a few minutes of the comfortable silence, the world turned red. Everything was covered in fire. Even the decaying bodies of the couple that sat by the hill. Korekiyo stood there, watching the madness. He watched as the bodies turned to ashes, as the ashes flew away with the wind. What was this mess? Why did the romance story turn into horror? Through the fire, a silhouette stood there. It was tall with fuzz coming from the sides of it. It looked like a tall and buff man.


Korekiyo ran towards the silhouette and pulled down his mask. Do you remember him? Are you alive? Is this fiction or reality? What is this?

Zwoop! Rise and Shine Ursine!

Published Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

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