The Chapter With The Meet and Greet

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Days had past since his and Gonta's short conversation. Anytime Korekiyo tried to approach Gonta, Kokichi would pull him away before Korekiyo could even get a word in. That was until the night that Gonta physically hurt him for the first time.

Korekiyo had just left his room to get a nighttime snack. He couldn't sleep. His mind was so mixed. All he needed was a snack to calm down a little. But his plan was ruined. He stepped outside and immediately regretted his decision.

"Gonta? Are you alright?" Korekiyo asked the tall man that stood ahead of him.

Gonta flipped around quickly and charged directly at Korekiyo. Korekiyo was knocked out from impact.


"...Korekiyo~" A feminine voice rang. Korekiyo opened his eyes. He was blinded by the shining of bright, white hair that hung over him.

"Ngh..." Korekiyo groaned quietly. He sat up and rubbed his head. "Where am I?" he asked.

"We're in Gonta's lab," Kiibo spoke  up. "He brought us here for some 'Meet and Greet.' I tried to ask some questions but he wouldn't answer."

Gonta has a research lab now? Korekiyo thought to himself. Why did he bring me here? Did he want me specifically?

Questions flooded Korekiyo's head, but the all disappeared when the door flew open. Gonta stood in the doorway with a body found over his shoulder. It was Shuichi. He stepped in, still looking upset, and leaned Shuichi up against a tree that sat in the room. That's when Korekiyo took a second to realize that the entire room looked like a jungle.

The walls were covered in a bright-green vine design. The roof had a treetop design. Then part of two walls were filled with bug cages, all of them filled with bugs.

Korekiyo stood up quickly, almost falling over in then process. He was still dizzy from being knocked out like that, and the green everywhere gave him a raging headache. Either way, he still needed answers. So he shook his head and wobbled over to the taller man. He opened his mouth to say something before getting cut off by the tall man.

"Is Kiyo okay?" Gonta asked. Gonta had noticed that Korekiyo seemed off and worried if it was his fault.

"I'm... fine. I just have a few questions," Korekiyo said. "Why am I here?"

"It's a surprise!" A boyish voice snickered. Korekiyo turned to see the familiar purple boy, Kokichi. Korekiyo felt heartbroken. Did Kokichi and Gonta work together? Why were they working against Korekiyo?

"Kokichi!" Kiibo and Tenko shouted.

"What is going on here? Why were we dragged into this mess!?" Tenko demanded for answers. In return Kokichi just snickered.

"That's for you to find out," Kokichi teased before making his way towards the blue-haired boy ahead of him. "Aw... Did poor Shuichi pass out. How sad~" Kokichi puffed out his cheeks and put on a fake pitiful expression.

"Ah! That is Gonta's fault! Gonta hit Shuichi hard and made Shuichi pass out," Gonta said.

"You did the same to me..." Korekiyo muttered.

"Did Gonta?" Gonta turned to Korekiyo, concerned. "How hurt is Kiyo?"

Gonta began to inspect Korekiyo's body. He made sure that he didn't bruise Korekiyo or hurt him too bad. Gonta removed Korekiyo's hat then moved Korekiyo's hair behind his ear. Korekiyo's face turned a bright red. Gonta then moved closer in. He had his hand on Korekiyo's cheek and his face centimeter's away from Korekiyo's face. Korekiyo's eyes we're wide. Her was blushing so hard he thought his head was gonna pop. It was going fine until Kokichi spoke up again.

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