The Chapter With The Forever Motive

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He sprung up from his bed, breathing heavily. Korekiyo rubbed his forehead. His eyebrows were furrowed. His face contorted quickly into a concerned look. He couldn't tell if he should've enjoyed his dream or if he should be scared. What was his dream? Why was Gonta speaking normally? And why didn't he have his mask on?

...So long, bear well!"

The morning announcement. He wasn't paying attention. Korekiyo got up from bed. He prepared himself for the day and head out the door. Korekiyo looked out quickly before stepping into the hallway. After that dream he didn't think he could face Gonta again. He shook out his thoughts and walked out the door. While walking to the main building building, he bumped into Kirumi. Kirumi looked just as concerned as he was.

"Good morning, Kirumi." Korekiyo greeted Kirumi. Kirumi jumped a little but gained her composure.

"Ah... Good morning Korekiyo." Kirumi responded. She dusted off her skirt and looked up at Korekiyo.

"Is something bothering you?" Korekiyo asked, knowing what the answer will most likely be.

"I just had this concerning dream last night. I don't know what must've caused that exact dream to be caused but it was really interesting." Kirumi explained.

"I had an interesting dream as well, Gonta seemed to play an important role in it." Korekiyo said, placing his thumb to his chin.

"I had someone special in my dream as well. It was Angie. She seemed way more snobby in my dream. It's like she was a completely different person." Kirumi began walking away, Korekiyo followed.

"Gonta also acted strange in my dream. He was speaking in first-person and had a meaner attitude."

"It's strange... Do you think everyone else had similar dreams?" Kirumi asked.

"Maybe it was just a coincidence. We should ask the others before we jump to conclusions." Korekiyo suggested, Kirumi nodded in return. Almost as if on que, Shuichi came walking down the hallway with Kiibo. Kiibo looked extremely concerned and Shuichi looked as if he had just seen a ghost. When the two saw Kirumi and Korekiyo they began running down the hall.

"Kirumi! Korekiyo!" Shuichi shouted. He stopped in his tracks with Kiibo doing the same. "Did you guys have a dream last--"

"I'M A ROBOT! I HAD A DREAM!?" Kiibo screamed.

"Kiibo, calm down. Continue speaking, Shuichi." Kirumi commanded.

"You two had weird dreams last night, right?" Shuichi asked.

"Yes we did. You're not the only ones?" Korekiyo responded.

"Yeah, that's why Kiibo is so freaked out. He never thought he could have a dream since he's a robot." Shuichi explained as Kiibo paced back and forth.

"I don't.. I don't get it. Should I be happy? Should I be scared? Are dreams supposed to be this vivid?" Kiibo rambled.

"Let's go meet the others in the dining hall to see if the same thing happened to them." Kirumi suggested. They all agreed and headed for the dining room.

When they opened the door, everyone was bickering. Some were yelling at each other, others were asking people about their dreams. Korekiyo coughed just slightly to get their attention. Everyone looked over at the four and shut their mouths. Kiibo stepped forward, ready to take charge. Instead he got stage fright and stepped backward while looking down.

"How the fuck did you even have a dream, you're a robot!" Miu shouted.

"Kirumi! Let's dance!" Angie giggled. She approached Kirumi and took her hand. Kirumi pulled away quickly, making Angie skip back to her original spot.

"Everyone calm down. Let's all sit at the table and discuss the dreams." Kirumi commanded. Everyone obeyed and sat at the table.

Korekiyo was the last to sit down. There was one last seat next to Gonta. Kirumi noticed this and offered her seat. Korekiyo politely declined and sat down. Due to Gonta's large figure their shoulders were constantly touching. Kirumi finally stood up and began speaking.

"So it seems that we all had similar dreams. Now before you begin to complain, let's talk about this. What were your dreams about?" Kirumi would regret saying that. Everyone began speaking over each other.

"Me and Miu!? Please! Himiko is the only one I need." Tenko pouted.

"As if I wanted to be set with you! And who's even into theatre? That shit is for losers." Miu complained, her arms crossed.

"You think yours was bad? I had to be tutored! By Kaede!" Tsumugi whined.

"What's wrong with being tutored by me?" Kaede asked.

"I didn't actually mean tutoring Kaede.." Tsumugi hinted. Kaede looked down and blushed, embarrassed.

"Okay... Shuichi what about you? You seemed a little concerned when we met up with us." Kirumi turned to Shuichi.

"Well, um--"

"Hey! We do not speak of that! I am a straight man. Straight as this table!" Kaito cut off Shuichi.

"The table is curved?" Maki pointed out.

"......" Kaito looked down. "Shit!"

"Um... Ryoma, what about yours?" Kirumi asked.

"I'd rather not speak about it. Ask Kiibo, I'd just rather not speak about it." Ryoma said, pulling his beanie down. Kiibo wouldn't speak though. He was still shocked.

"Maki, Himiko. Do you have anything to say?" Kirumi turned to Maki and Himiko, practically begging for an answer.

"Nope." The two said in unison.

"Kokichi? Rantaro? What about you two?" Kirumi asked. Kokichi was about to speak up before Rantaro shut him up and shook his head.

"Anyone, please?" Kirumi begged.

"Gonta." Korekiyo spoke up, turning to Gonta. "May I?" Gonta nodded with a smile.

"Go ahead. If it helps friends then it's okay!" Gonta agreed.

Kirumi sighed of relief and sat down. Korekiyo took her place and stood up. He began with the when he woke up and how he was so confused. It went on to the time skip, then the kiss, then the world turning to fire, and ended with the ash silhouette. He explained everything in detail, making everyone a little concerned. When he was finished he sat back down and turned his attention to Kirumi.

"Thank you, Korekiyo." Kirumi thanked Korekiyo with a smile. He nodded as a way to say you're welcome. Just as Kirumi was about to continue speaking, a familiar giggle echoed through the room.

"Puhuhuhu... So you've figured out the first motive, aye?" Monokuma giggled. Suddenly, Monokuma pops up out of nowhere. "I guess it's time to explain what's going on. These dreams you had are your first motive. You each had a dream that included one of your peers. The thing is, these dreams are real memories before you were kidnapped. To see the truth behind the dream, you have to kill someone and get away with it. If you don't kill anyone in the next two days music will begin to play through the speakers, reminding you of your dreams. If you survive the first chapter as a student, then another dream will appear. A new dream. Call this the forever motive."

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