The Chapter With His Changes

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"Gonta..." He whispered as he watched the taller silhouette storm off.

Korekiyo sighed and looked down. After Gonta was out of sight, Korekiyo made his way back to his dorm. He opened his bathroom door and looked at the sink countertop. It was covered head to toe in different lipsticks. It's not nighttime yet, a shower wouldn't hurt. Korekiyo reached into the shower and made contact with the cold metal faucet. When his fingertips brushed against the metal, his body flung back. His arm grabbed at his mask and pulled it down.

"What did I tell you about showers, Korekiyo? If shower then you'll destroy your gorgeous hair." A feminine voice came from Korekiyo's mouth. Korekiyo pulled his mask back up.

"My hair is already being damaged from not showering. You could fry food using the grease in my hair." Korekiyo whined, shakily. His mask was pulled back down.

"Grease!? That is not grease, it's healthy, gorgeous, silky hair. You dare not disobey me Korekiyo!" The feminine voice shouted. Korekiyo forced his way to his feet and grabbed a rag. He ran it under some water and held it up to his mouth.

With one swipe, it was gone. The lipstick had smeared on his face. In a fit of rage, Korekiyo pushed all of the lipsticks off the counter. One after another, he destroyed each lipstick. He removed the red-pigmented wax from each product. Immediately, he began ripping of his clothes and tearing apart his bandages. Korekiyo stepped into the shower and turned on the water. The feel cold water made him shiver.

Korekiyo crouched down, tired. Tonight was a crazy night for him. That escape route, the fight, and now this. All of it was too much. He needed this. This shower was all he begged for. Korekiyo slowly stood back up. He grabbed the shampoo and began running it through his hair. He scrubbed and scrubbed but it couldn't get all of the grease out. That's how bad his hair was. Korekiyo continued to scrub and rinse, scrub and rinse, scrub and rinse, then more scrubbing and rinsing. He added the conditioner to his hair and rinsed it off. He finished his shower off with him washing his body and rinsing off.

Korekiyo stepped out of the shower, towel around his waist. He stared at himself in the foggy mirror. His hair was dripping, getting water everywhere. He looked down at the drawer that sat in front of him. Korekiyo slowly opened the drawer. He picked up the shiny pair on scissors and set them on the counter. Korekiyo wrung out his hair over the sink then picked up the scissors. In a few cuts, large chunks of his hair fell to the ground. Then, he blacked out.

The Next Morning

"Hey, where's Korekiyo?" Kaede asked. Everyone shrugged. Kaede turned to Gonta. "You left with him last night after everyone else went back to their dorms. Do you know what happened to him?"

"Um... no.. Gonta and Kiyo got into fight and Gonta walked away." Gonta answered.

"What happened between you two that could make you consider a fight?" Tenko questioned.

"Gonta doesn't want to talk about it.." Gonta muttered.

"You can quit talking about me now, I'm here." A voice came from the doorway. Everyone looked over to see a whole new Korekiyo.

"Woah..." Kokichi gasped.

"Your hair.. I can't see you the same now." Shuichi exaggerated.

"Holy shit, you're a guy?" Miu muttered.

"My hair isn't that big of a deal..." Korekiyo growled.

Not that big of a deal? I wouldn't say that. Korekiyo had cut his hair off, leaving him like this.

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(Not my art! If you know the artist please let me know so I can credit them)

"Your hair looks gorgeous, Korekiyo!" Tsumugi boasted. "How come you never cut it before?"

"It was my sister's favorite thing about me so I never cut it and kept it the same. Unfortunately she passed away. I never cut my hair to mourn her but it's been too long. I wanted a bit of a change." Korekiyo explained.

"That's interesting and all but shouldn't we talk about the dreams again? Has anyone come up with any theories?" Maki asked, annoyed.

"I don't think anyone has any theories. Those dreams might just be random forged clips put into our minds to drive us to murder." Kaito responded.

"Forged? These are real!" Monokuma shouted from behind Kaito.

"Monokuma!?" Kaito screamed.

"Those dreams are real memories or yours. They might not be in your memory now, but they did happen in the past." Monokuma explained. "Whatever you experienced in your dream was real footage from before you arrived here. If ya kissed, hugged, held, killed, hurt, or did anything in your dream, you did that in real life."

"Bullshit! I never kissed Shuichi at all. I never even knew him before!" Kaito pouted.

"Kaito, are you coming out to us?" Maki asked.

"No, I'm-- I'm not gay!" Kaito shouted.

"Shuichi says otherwise." Kokichi snickered.

"Oh shut up! At least I didn't end up dying in the arms of the avocado guy, that seems pretty gay to me." Kaito shot back.

"Avocado guy!? Don't call my beloved Rantaro that!" Kokichi whined.

"Kokichi, you're not helping." Rantaro sighed. Miu snickered in return. "At least I wasn't some theatre kid! And, Tenko looks more like an avocado than I do!"

"Don't call her an avocado! My dream partner is gorgeous!" Miu squealed.

"G-Gorgeous!? Miu, you're not helping..." Tenko mumbled, flustered.

"Heh.. It's pretty funny for the person that hated their dream partner to suddenly loving them over one compliment." Ryoma giggled.

"Hey! You fell in love with a robot in your dream, you have no room to speak." Tenko complained.

"I was not a robot in the dream! Take that!" Kiibo shot back.

"As if that makes anything better." Maki said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, c'mon. Your dream partner is the shortest girl here, Maki." Kiibo pouted.

"But I'm not 3'5." Himiko yawned, making Kirumi snicker.

"You shouldn't be laughing Kirumi, you have the worst dream partner." Ryoma replied.

"The worst? Angie was a great dancing partner." Kirumi stated.

"Nyahaha! Indeed I was!" Angie boasted. Angie grabbed Kirumi's hands and wrapped them around her, beginning to sway side-to-side.

"How has no one noticed us yet?" Tsumugi whispered to Kaede, catching everyone's attention.

"Tsumugi, as much as I love you, please watch what you say." Kaede sighed.

"What? It's because I'm plain isn't it? It's because I'm so plain that we're basically unoticable." Tsumugi pouted.

"No, Tsumugi--"

"I refuse not being made fun of!" Tsumugi cut off Kaede.

"Well, it's just like you said, you're so plain that there's nothing we can really make fun of you for." Kokichi said.

"Oh, well I guess I'm immune." Tsumugi smiled with pride.

"You know, there is one other couple we can't make fun of." Kaito stated, turning to Gonta and Korekiyo.

"You're right, they're sorta like the perfect couple." Kaede added.

"Perfect couple? I doubt that." Korekiyo said.

"I have many things to say about Gonta. But him and Korekiyo, I can't say anything." Kokichi muttered.

Hmm.. I guess you could say me and Gonta are the perfect couple...

Published Tuesday, July 13th, 2021

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