The Chapter With His Greatest Loss

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His face felt warm and comfy when he woke up. As if he was being surrounded by a warning pad. He didn't question it until he felt something snake around his back.

Korekiyo quickly fluttered his eyes open. He used his eyes to look at his surroundings, being careful not to bother the thing holding him. He couldn't see much except for the creature that was holding him. All he saw was green and smelt the forest. It was so strong that Korekiyo thought he floated to heaven in his sleep and woke up in this peaceful forest. That was until he heard faint snoring.

He lifted his head to meet the face of a familiar being. Gonta. So close to him. Face to face. Almost. Kissing.

He felt his face face heat up quickly and he looked down as fast as he could. He completely forgot about the night before. Now he was flustered for multiple reasons. One for the big man holding him tight. The second for the fact that the big man was none other than his first official crush. Lastly that his first offcial crush had witnessed him having a break down the other night. Korekiyo didn't want that to be the first time he ever got really close to Gonta.

But then, he thought about it. Gonta was enough of a gentleman to forgive his ridiculous outburst a few nights ago, and gentleman enough to hold him through serious times. How could he ever forgive this man? All he knew he could do right now was to just lay there patiently and wait got the large man to wake.

He didn't mind laying with him like this. The rooms were normally very cold, and the only sense of warmth was the sheets that were given to the students. However, Korekiyo wasn't one to use the sheets. He never wanted to take off his uniform because it was too complicated, so he laid over the sheets in order to not over stimulate himself. It always left him cold at night, so it never really helped.

But, this was different. He didn't feel uncomfortable, he felt nice. All Korekiyo wanted to do was to hold on tighter, but he worried he would wake Gonta. However, it took just one look at the taller man and he knew he wanted to move forward. Korekiyo lifted his arms from the sheets and carefully wrapped them around Gonta's neck. He felt the cold hit the back of his pale arms, but was warmed by Gonta's touch. Korekiyo could feel his face turn bright red as he pulled himself closer to the giant in front of him. He thought he would explode when he heard the man's voice.

"Kiyo..?" Gonta mumbled as he tightened his grip on the skinnier man.

"Gonta! I-I'm so sorry! I'll move-" Korekiyo whisper-shouted.

"Kiyo doesn't need to move," Gonta whispered back. Korekiyo looked up at Gonta. His eyes were droopy and tired, and he had this small smile on his face. He couldn't say it out loud, but Gonta looked very attractive at the moment.

"Are you sure? I'm not bothering you, am I?" Korekiyo asked, avoiding eye contact.

"Mhm.." Gonta replied, gently. He moved his arm from Korekiyo's back and brushed the hair out of Korekiyo's face. Korekiyo almost passed out right then and there.

"You didn't have to do that for me last night. I could survive on my own," Korekiyo muttered.

"Gonta could never do that to his friend!" Gonta said. "Gonta is gentleman and would do anything for Kiyo!"

"Yeah, friends..." Korekiyo whispered.

"Hm?" Gonta hummed.

"Ah- Uh, nothing. It's nothing," Korekiyo sighed.

"Okay," Gonta smiled. He hugged the smaller man tighter, bringing their faces closer together.

"Uhh," Korekiyo uttered.

Gonta brought his face to Korekiyo's, their noses basically a few centimeters apart. He smiled gently, and Korekiyo swore he saw a bit of red on his face too. The warmth of Gonta being that close to him could've made him melt. Korekiyo thought this was all a dream. Until the loud "wake up" announcement from the Monokubs blasted on the speakers interrupted him. An audible, nervous yet a bit annoyed, sigh came from Korekiyo as the kubs spoke.

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