The Chapter With New Labs and New Feelings

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He was frightened awake, strong arms gripping him tightly as he was forced to sit up.

"Gonta? What time is it..?" Korekiyo murmured. No response. Panic immediately arose in Korekiyo's body. He flipped his head up to look at Gonta's face. Fortunately, yet also unfortunately, Gonta looked horrified.

"Gonta no like these dreams anymore..." Gonta whined.

"You liked them in the first place?" Korekiyo sarcastically replied, rubbing his eyes. His hand gently brushed against his bare face as he woke himself up. He realized that as he slept, his dream must've made him take off his mask for real. Korekiyo quickly pulled his mask up and sighed of relief. "That was a close one," He thought to himself.

Gonta's body began to gently tremble. He still had his arms tightly wrapped around the smaller man. This made Korekiyo feel everything.

"Why don't you go get ready for the day, hm? I have a feeling Shuichi must've found some more areas of the school to investigate," Korekiyo suggested.

"A-Alright.." Gonta muttered. "Can Kiyo come change with Gonta?" A burning blush covered Korekiyo's face.

"I can't! That'd be.. morally inappropriate," Korekiyo replied.

"Ah, Gonta sorry!" Gonta apologized. He quickly dropped Korekiyo and left the room without another word.

"That man is going to be the death of me," Korekiyo whisper-laughed to himself, still flushed.

Korekiyo stood up himself and went to the bathroom. He prepared himself for the day; showered, dried, brushed, and dressed. He then left the room, leaving the heavy air of yesterday behind.

It only took Korekiyo a few steps until he heard the most grating voice, "Oh Kiyo!!!" Kokichi yelled from downstairs. Korekiyo sighed and peered over the edge.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" Kokichi smiled.

"Good morning... Kokichi," Korekiyo replied.

"Why the long face?" Kokichi asked, watching Korekiyo step downstairs. "Did you not have fun with Gonta last night? Nothing romantic happen?"

"No! Why would you ever ask that?"

"You guys aren't dating!?"

"Of course not."

"So Gonta was ditching me for some lanky nobody?"

"This 'lanky nobody' you speak of is not only his dream partner, but also someone he can go to when he needs support. Unlike you, I can actually help him and not manipulate him into doing my dirty work."

"Manipulate? ME? Kiyo, my good sir, you'd be absolutely correct. But the big guy don't need to know that."

"You're lucky I care about his mental health, or else I would've told him ages ago," with that last sentence, Korekiyo pushes past the purple boy and exits the dormitory.

As soon as he stepped outside, Korekiyo felt the ground beneath him rumble. He looks over to see a large building sprouting from the ground on the other side of the courtyard. Once the rumbling stops, he rushes over to see what happened.

"What's going on over here?" Korekiyo asked, joining Shuichi and Tenko.

"I just used the ninja scroll the Monokubs gave me last night and I put it in the mouth of this statue and this massive building just appeared," Shuichi said defensively.

"Let's investigate it! I don't want whatever it could be to hurt my precious Himiko," Tenko then ran inside, leaving Shuichi and Korekiyo to share a look then run after her.

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