The Chapter With The Next Episode Continued

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TRIGGER WARNING FOR THE FOLLOWING: Homophobia, use of the F-slur (I am can reclaim it), abuse, mentions of violence.

This chapter will not be in bold + italic since it's completely Korekiyo's dream. Please do not think this is apart of the real world. This chapter is just Korekiyo's dream.

"You can't just hide here the entire time. You have to confront them," the man said, holding his tall boyfriend in his arms.

"She hates me... I don't know how I can just talk to her after what just happened," Gonta cried into Korekiyo's shoulder.

"GONTA!!" A female voice shouted, echoing through the long hallways of the mansion. Gonta wasn't given a second to react before the voice, presumably Gonta's mother, shouted again, "GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!"

Reluctantly, Gonta obeyed his mother's orders. He quickly detached himself from Korekiyo's grasp, wiped his face, straightened himself up, and rushed down the stairs. Korekiyo slowly, quietly followed behind as to not mix into the drama.

They had made their way to the living area. Korekiyo peaked around the corner and looked inside. It was pretty stereotypical. Bookshelves on either side of the room that were filled top-to-bottom with old and precious books. A fireplace with two chairs surrounding it, both with a red velvet cover. However, one was faced towards the entrance to the room. On it was Gonta's father while his mother was pacing back and forth over their rug of the skin from a dead bear.

"Mother.. you wanted to see me?" Gonta spoke up, his voice low and nervous. No response.

"Darling, he asked you what you needed," Gonta's father said, putting his pipe to his mouth.

"I swear I will slit your throat and your wrists if you speak once more!" Gonta's mother threatened his father. His father just rolled his eyes and took a hit from his pipe. She then took a breath and changed her mood completely. Her heels clicked as she approached her son, "Darling, are you sure you're in with this... faggot business?"

"Mother!" Gonta gasped.

"Do NOT raise your voice at me," Gonta's mother retorted. Gonta calmed himself and averted his eyes. His mother continued, "As I was saying... are you sure you don't want a lovely wife in the future?"

"Yes mother, I am fully sure that I don't want to marry a woman in the future," Gonta sighed.

"Then who do you want to marry?" Gonta's mother asked, her tone becoming more impatient.

"The love of my life..." Gonta trailed off. "I want to marry Korekiyo in the future. I don't care if you don't like him or not."

Gonta's mother didn't respond, she only gave him a disapproving look. She turned her body to the left and crossed her arms. Her eyes shut tight, almost as if she's holding back tears. Gonta thought he had finally won her over. He thought he had finally got his mother to except him. Until..













She slapped Gonta until his cheeks were red. It was silent for a second. The only thing that made noise was the small crackles that came from the fire. Still, those couldn't fill up the thick atmosphere.

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