Chapter 24

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Colette's POV:

I had been asleep for about 2 hour when I was awakened.

"MOM!! MOM!! MOM WAKE UP!" I heard Avia franticly yell.

My mom brain turned on.

"What's wrong? Is the house on fire? Is everyone okay?"

I sat up in my bed and noticed the tears on Avia's face.

"It's Daxton. I don't know what happened. We put him to sleep and he woke up and..."

The tears chocked her up and she fell into my arms.

"Where is he?" I asked calmly for the sake of my daughter's emotion, but in reality was terrified.

"His room." She said, trying to hold in her tears and pointed towards his room.

"Wait here Av."

She nodded.




Chelsea's POV:

I hear Avia crying. And telling mom about where Daxton was. But she couldn't say what happened.

She was shaking. I heard it in her voice.

I held Daxton in my arms and sat on the rocking chair next to his bed, trying not to move him.

Mom came in and slowly opened the door and turned on the lights.

I felt him slightly move thanks to the light change.

I gestured for my mom to turn the lights off.

She did.

In the slight moment that the lights were on, I could she my mom's eyes bright red.

She had been crying.

I saw the fear on her face; not knowing what was wrong with her 1 and a half year old son.

Her face read; "What could possibly be wrong" and "Are we going to the hospital again" or "Was this an exaggeration by an almost 10 year old."

That's the most panicked she's looked in ages.





Colette's POV:

I walked into Dax's room and the lights are off.

I turn them on, but Chelsea tells me to turn them off.

In the slight glimpse that I had of my daughter and son, I saw Chelsea sitting on the rocking chair.

She was rocking him back and forth.

This act was very unusual. No one has ever need to rock Dax after he was 8 months-unless it was to comfort him.

I knew now that Avia wasn't exaggerating.

The way Chelsea was holding him struck me the most: one arm behind his neck and the other by his feet. Her hands met on his back.

"Why would she be holding him like this" was the only thing that registered in my mind.




Chelsea's POV:

Mom turned the lights off and stood in the door frame.

I knew what had to be done.

I needed to call 911.

But I couldn't move. I didn't want to move.

I then remember-my mom and I have signals for each other just incase we can't talk or move or anything.

That was something we would do together for fun.

I had to think of the signals;we hadn't used them in a while.

"Think Chelsea, think." I said to myself.

How can I signal anything without moving my hands from under Daxton?

Then I remembered.

There is a fire truck in Daxton's room.

I made eye contact with my mom, then looked at the fire truck.

She seemed confused for a second, but then understood.

She ran out to living room and dialed 911.




Colette's POV:

After turning off the lights, I stood in the door frame.

If Chelsea was staying still, then I needed to stay still.

I remember that Chelsea and I used to make up signals that meant different things.

I was hoping that she would signal me something. Anything.

But how could she? She was as still as a rock.

Then, she looked at me like she was going to tell me something.

After grabbing my attention, she looked into the corner of his room.

I couldn't see what was there because it was too dark.

It took me a second to realize that she was looking at a fire truck.

I rushed outside to the kitchen and grabbed the phone from Avia- who was talking to Shay-and called 911.

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