Chapter 1

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        "COLETTE!!! WAKE UP!!! PUT YOUR CHILD BACK TO SLEEP!!" I turned and faced my alarm clock. 3:48. Really? I wish Daxton would just slepp through the night- atleast 3 times a week.

        I rolled around and tried to go back to bed. Just then Brock came to my room. "Chelsea, can I sleep with you? Daxton woke me up and I can't go to sleep and I don't want to wake Gavin up." I really didn't want to deal with him right now, plus I had a big science test I didn't want to fail. And come do you say 'no' to your 4 year old brother.

        "Come here Spiderman," he closed my door and ran towards my bed, hopped on, and pretended to shoot webs at me. I love my family. "Now listen Brock. I need to get some sleep, so you can't talk to me. Okay? I love you, but I need sleep, and so do you. Just close you eyes and think of Spiderman and Superman tickeling each other." He starrted laughing. I knew he would. "Goodnight Brock!" He only kissed my hand and he was knocked out.


        "BUTLER CHILDREN, WAKE UP!!!! YOU ALL HAVE SCHOOL!!! WAKE UP OR ELSE YOU GET THE BUCKET!!!!" Everyone dredded the bucket. Basically, if you didn't wake up, mom or dad would get a bucket and fill it up with ice cold water and pour it onto you. I was the first victim of this back when I was six. And here I am eight years later and I am still getting this 'lovely' treatment in the morning. 

       I got up and Brock was already out of my room. I figured since he's usually awake around 7. I got up and was ready in less than ten minutes. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. Mom was trying to make something for breakfast. "Shay!! Put down your camera and come help me."

        Dad was up in his room vlogging about something or other. "Let's go see what my beautiful wife is making in the kitchen." I looked at mom and she turned to me. She signaled for me to go through the living room to Gavin's room and see if he was awake. "What's cooking, good looking?" I heard dad asking mom. 

        I knocked on Gavin's door. "Gavin, are you awake??" No answer. "Gavin" Another no answer. "I have the bucket." Then I heard some wrusteling. Yup, he's awake I thought to myself.

        I walked back to the kitchen and coughed. Mom coughed back. So I walked into the kitchen. So we have this signal. Since I don't want to be in the vlogs, we need a code to know if the camra's on or not. So before I enter a room, I have to cough. Coughing transalates to "is the camera on?" And who ever is vlogig needs to answer with one cough or two. One cough is a yes...two is no.

        "Chelsea? Why don't you want to be in the vloggs?" Avia asked me. Emmi-being her little copy cat- nodded. I didn't know what to answer. Lately, I have been thinking about that too myself. I sometimes I feel left out. I don't have a tard name, and I never go to VidCon or Playlist Live or anything. Plus it's a real struggle for me to avoid the vlogs and it's also hard from my parents to try not to get me in the shot.

        "Can I talk to everyone during dinner tonight?" I looked at the breakfast table. We see the tabel differently than everyone watching on YouTube. There are eight of us eating breakfast right now, not seven.

        "Okay! Now let's head out the door, you don't want to be late for school." Gavin, Avia, Emmi, and Brock all ran out the door. I helped mom with Daxton and were behind the pack. She turned to me and gave me a look, and I knew exactly what it ment. It's her 'you can always come and talk to me' face. I nodded and grabbed her hand. 

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