Chapter 18

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Shay's POV:

"Alright thanks doc." Doctor Reynolds has been the best doctor. He has been our doctor in the hospital before. Once when Daxton fell off his chair, and the other when Emmi had severe stomach pains. He has been a great doctor.

I grabbed my camera.

"Okay guys. Sorry I haven't been vlogging very much lately. We've had a major family crisis. If you can't tell we are in the hospital." I turned the camera around to vlog my family.

"Hello internet." Brock spoke. "Chelsea has no blood." He laughed.

"Brock that's not what happened." Avia interrupted. "Can I tell them what happened?!" She waited for my approval. I nodded. "Chelsea has a condition called anemia, which is an iron deficiency. Her red blood cells aren't carrying enough oxygen, therefore her organs aren't working properly. Hence the reason we are in a hospital room." I looked at her shocked. "I've been researching." She waved Colette's phone in front of me. "Some symptoms may include, pale skin, chest pain, dizziness, cold feet and so on and so forth." Avia looked very proud of herself.

"And this is why I like having children around. Because I don't have to talk, I can save my vocal chords the pain, so I can yell at them. But I can't do that right now because Chelsea is totally 'passed out'. So the kids have only gone to school one day this week. Chelsea wanted her family with her. EVEN THOUGH SHE ISNT AWAKE!!!" My kids started to laugh.

After 30 more minutes of Emmi and Brock asking me for candy, I took them down to the hospital cafeteria to find them some sugar. Even though it would make them nuts, it would eventually tired them out and they would take a nap.

Upstairs in the hospital room, I left Colette with Gavin, Avia, and Daxton.
Colette's POV:

"This is day 5 in the mysteries of what is wrong with Chelsea. For those of you who aren't following us on Twitter or Instagram, 5 days ago, Chelsea was most probably hit in the head with a basketball. This is what we got from Brock, but Chels doesn't remember anything that happened. She walked in feeling dizzy, so she went into her room to rest, and when I went to go get her an hour later, there was vomit on the floor and she was passed out. We called the paramedics and they took her to the hospital. When we got to the hospital-25 minutes later- she was awake, but couldn't talk because she was in a neck brace. She was a sleep and didn't wake up for a day and a half. On the third day, we called the family over. Chelsea was our of the neck brace and could talk and seemed fine. When the family got to the room, she was good for 5 minutes, but then passed out again until now. Day 5. Avia already told you guys that she has anemia, so that's what's causing her to pass out. And her not eating is making her very weak."

"Mom. How much longer is she going to be in the hospital?" Gavin asked me. Chelsea has been like a mother to him when I'm not there. They are both really close, so it was concerning to him.

"We don't know sweety. I think when she wakes up, they'll have to do more tests on her and get her to eat more foods with iron in it." I finished telling Gavin, then directly spoke to the camera. "Thank you to everyone who has but Chelsea and our family in your prayers. It is much appreciated."

I turned off the camera, just in time for Shay to walk in with Brock, Emmi, and what seemed like sugar and chips to feed 10 people.

"What?!?" Shay looked at me. "We have two hyper kids who control me. I am their slave." I laughed. "But seriously, we are going to be here for a while." He finished.

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