Chapter 6

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Your POV

"This sounds like a story straight out of an role playing game, and I'm not drunk enough for this" We all looked where the voice was coming from.

A girl with red eyes, short white hair and a pair of small horns emerging from her hair, was leaning against the doorframe with an open Vodka bottle in one hand and a glass of ice in the other.

"Malina..." I interrupted what Zdrada had to say.

"Pretend you haven't heard this conversation. I want you all to forget about this conversation. I don't want to have any more problems because one of you told someone about this"

"Calm down, I'm not as bitch as my sister to think about telling this to everyone" She assured and took a sip from her glass.

Without speaking to anyone, I went upstairs with everyone watching all my moves.

I take a few steps and suddenly when I am next to the second door in the hall, it opens and a pair of arms grab me and force me to enter.

The door closes behind me, I turn to see who is the person that pushed me in here. To my surprise, I meet the gaze of an angel, the only one in this house. I was about to start protesting but she held out her hand. "I am Azazel"

All this seemed very strange to me but I did the same and gave her a handshake, but she took this as an advantage and pulled me closer to her. I immediately pushed her away. "Ugh... I see, good reflexes. I couldn't expect anything else from a trained assassin"

I immediately tensed. "W-...What?"

"I didn't mean to say that... Sorry... But I would like you to help me in my research. If I'm not mistaken, you have the power to transform in anything you want"


"Well, it is quite difficult for me to miss something that happened in this house. Although I was also surprised that with the scene you had done the other girls did not pay attention to what was happening"

"Umm, I can do it but I can't assure you that my reactions are correct"

I'm lying? Yes, completely. I'm doing it just so Azazel leave me alone for once. "Besides there are 8 demons in this house, why are you bothering me?"

"Well... The girls started refusing to be a part of my tests and I need to get my investigation going so you're the only one I can trust on... Oh, and about your reactions! That won't be a problem. We can always try something that I already did, after all we don't lose anything"

Shit, that's not exactly the reaction I was expecting...

"Let's use an aphrodisiac" Her left hand reaches into her pocket and takes out a box of pills.

She brings a pill to my mouth. I reluctantly open my mouth and almost instantly the pill falls on my tongue.

I look at Azazel, she was already looking into my eyes, waiting patiently. I am surprised by her gentleness...

I swallowed the pill, and after getting over the horrible taste, two horns formed on my forehead. And on the lower part of my back, my skin deformed into a tail with an arrowhead.

"Perfect. Let's get started, okay?"

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