Chapter 9

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Your POV

"Do you know how to make pancakes?"

"Yes, but I can't be sure they are as good as Helltaker's pancakes"

"There are only ingredients for a plate of pancakes, Helltaker has probably went out to buy more ingredients so if your pancakes are not good we can always wait until he arrives" Well, now I don't know whether to be happy or to be offended.

I pull out a pan and turn on the burners while Lucifer takes out the ingredients. When the first pancake was almost ready I opened the shelf and took out a plate but in the attempt it fell to the floor and broke.

I hear Lucifer sigh and mutter: "Stupid mortal..."

"Pick up the mess you've made, I'll make sure the pancake doesn't burn"

I nodded and looked around for a broom but couldn't find it. I looked to Lucifer for help. "Don't you have a broom?"

I could see a smile on Lucifer's face for a second and she quickly became serious again. "No. Hurry up and pick up the crystals with your hands"

I looked at the ground and frowned a little. She is clearly lying to me but everyone is asleep and I don't think I will find the broom.

I crouched down and started to grab the pieces of glass. Then I lost my balance but I put one hand on the ground to keep from falling. After that I felt a pain all over my hand. "Shit!" I got to my feet immediately.

Lucifer turned her head and looked at me angry. "Can't you do even that well?"

"I could have done it if you had told me where the fucking broom is!"

"Look, just pour water on your hand and stop bothering before I think stabing you with a piece of glass is a good idea"

I raised my left hand and looked at it, several small pieces were stuck all over my hand but there was a considerably large piece stuck quite deep at the base of my ring finger. I felt Lucifer's gaze which was also looking at the crystal. "I'll go get a band-aid while you take the crystal off your finger..."

Lucifer came out of the kitchen. I checked the wound on the leg, surprisingly it was fine. I looked back at my hand and put the other pieces I picked up on the table.

I grabbed the crystal from my finger and pulled it out without thinking, it might have hurt more if I had pulled it out slowly.

Lucifer came back in with band-aids and disinfectant in her hands. "Give me your hand"

"I can do it for mys-"

"Can you shut up for a moment? You could at least be grateful and kneel down to thank me"

𝓗𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵Where stories live. Discover now