Chapter 12

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Your POV

As Lucifer ordered, I continue to deliver the pancakes. I walk over to the sofa, towards Malina, and hand her a pancake.

She was looking at her cell phone, it seems she is looking for strategy games. Without taking her eyes off the mobile, she approaches my hand and bites the pancake, I feel her lips brush my hand... So soft...

But without warning, she suddenly bites my finger. She grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pulls me closer to her, getting close to my ear. "Are you dumb or what? You just said your real name. Now Lucifer and probably Cerberus, Modeus and Helltaker know it too. You know how dangerous that is, they might realize..."

"Sorry..." I whisper.

She lets go of my shirt, pushes me, and sighs. "You are hopeless, keep doing your job"

I look at Modeus, the only awake girl I am missing, but someone puts an arm around my shoulders and don't let me move. "Did you miss me?" From the cigarette smell and the playful fucking tone of voice it obviously has to be Zdrada. "Were you thinking about not letting me taste your pancakes?"

She grabs a pancake and take a bite of it. She takes a moment to savor it and... "Not bad" She pulls her arm away from me and pulls me towards Modeus.

She notices me and looks away from her book to look at me. I hand her the tray and she grabs a pancake. I walk up to her and whisper. "So, um... what kind of favor were you talking about earlier?" Her face turns red hearing what I said.

"Oh yeah. I want to sleep with you tonight..." She sounds a bit desperate, her breathing is speeding up and she's blushing more and more. "Holding hands, while we hug and watch a romantic movie... Resting my head on your chest and... and wrapping my tail around your leg..."

"Eemm... okay? You can choose the movie, the sofa is not very comfortable but if that's what you want..." It doesn't seem that bad. Although I have never done this before... It would be better not think more about that.

I've run out of pancakes, my work is done and I really want to go outside and get some fresh air. Running away won't be good but maybe if I ask Helltaker...

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