June 20, 2021(9:45 am-10:28 am)

22 2 0

No one is sleeping

My sister and I were coming home from this party I guess. My sister was behind the wheel, but she seemed very tired. I was in the backseat, or maybe a trunk. Idk. When I looked behind us, there was this bald guy, walking towards our car. He looked very tired, with dark circles under his eyes and he had this crazy look in his eyes. I told my sister that we shouldn't lead this guy to our house, so let's turn around. When we turned around though, he was in front of our car, and there was this other guy trying to get into the car. My sister sped up the car and tried to throw him off. When we did... She ran him over. Then more people kept coming towards us, and it was like they were acting crazy. We began trying to drive away from them, but we just ended up running over then. When I looked at my sister, she looked so tired, so I took the wheel. When we were driving away, it was like everyone was out on the street, attacking each other.

Notable moments
*Based off of Netflix movie, "Awake"?
*All the people looked like characters from adventure time
*Possible side effect from covid vaccine?? Strange, vivid dreams

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