July 16, 2021 Friday (1:30 pm-4:50 pm)

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The first location was in the mainland, near the mountains. It was probably years after the apocalypse started. There was three kids. Two boys, and a girl. They were living in a mountain resort that has been turned into a military base. They were incredibly smart, but they were troublemakers. They never did follow the rules. The oldest of the three, a boy, would go out and do stuff in the forest near the resort. The middle, a girl, was the older sister of the youngest boy. Their mother just couldn't come to terms that they were living in a world like this. She neglected them, sometimes leaving them outside of their room. The three kids would sneak off to go swimming in the pool room. They ended up being caught by the military, breaking rules. They were ordered to go back to their rooms, where they encountered 4-5 zombies. One of which wasn't dying (they can only die from being hit with headshots, heart shots, or fire).
The second location was in Hawaii. My grandmother's town. This was the very start of the apocalypse. There was a tour bus filled with tourists. We were at a park when commotion started down the road. A tourist, a female that spoke Japanese and English. She was watching as people ran towards the park. She watched as a plane flew overhead, but it was dangerously low. It crashed a few miles, but it was so loud. When the zombies began appearing,  they seemed to back off from people who owned dogs,  cuz the dogs seemed to scare them off. Eventually,  all the dog owners in these town congregated in a town house,  where the tourist was the one who was kinda like the leader.  She would help protect the people. There would be lights all around the building to indicate that their were uninfected people inside, since the military was bombing very infected areas.  The people would place the dogs just at the edge of the property,  or within the plbuilding near the doors. If a zombie did get in, they can kill it.
The third location seemed to be just a TV broadcasting how the world as a whole was dealing with the apocalypse.  Communistic countries like North Korea and China killed any infected or anyone that showed signs of infection.  America would basically nuke "unsalvageable" countries like India or Iran.

Notable moments
*the first location was somewhere within the rocky mountains
*I recognized the female as one of my classmates
*the second location is very close to my grandma's house irl
*there is a park in the town that is surrounded by the main road, and the back road
*planes do fly directly overhead the town

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