May 15, 2023 (7 PM~ 9:29 pm)

5 1 0

The shooting

I was at a new school. It looked like a college campus, they even had vending machines with alcohol. I had just turned 21 and was trying to buy a beer when I heard the first shots fired. I followed a bunch of other people into a library of some sort. There was already armed police and teachers around campus, so I wasn't too worried. I sat with a friend of mine and we huddled together under a table of sorts. But eventually, our library door bursted open and people screamed. Shots fired on those people that screamed, but the shooter stopped once it was silent. Me and a few others were left alive, and we saw our shooter. It was a female, young looking and quite pretty. Asian with a pale complexion. She had blood splattered along her face and clothing. The shooter didn't shoot any of us for some reason and began talking to us, asking questions. It was like she was testing us. It was fairly simple questions, like how many states are there. Or where is this state located at on a map. When someone hesitated or got the wrong answer, she shot them. Finally, it was me and my friends. We all answered it correctly actually, but I hesitated and raised my hand. I expected to be shot at, but she didn't. I asked if I can use the bathroom, I told her that the fear I felt was making me this close 🤏🏼 to wanted to make an accident in my shorts. I managed to make the shooter laugh and she actually allowed me into the bathroom. I was shocked for a few minutes, before she shot the gun a few inches away from my shoulder when I didn't move. The shooter told me that she was feeling generous and that I should be grateful. I bowed to her formerly and left for the bathroom. Truthfully, I wanted to go to the bathroom to find my pocket knife. It was more of a box cutter, but it was all I had. I felt like she was following me, so I acted like I was truly about to shit myself. I eventually got to the bathroom and ran into a stall. It sounded like there was other people in there too, hiding. I felt a bit bad when the shooter began shooting at the cubicles, killing the others. Somehow even when she shot at my cubicle, I managed to dodge them. When the shooter was done, I heard talking and peeked through my hiding place. I saw a teacher holding a gun, standing by the doorway with his gun aimed at the shooter. He was trying to make her stop. I saw that as my chance to take my own knife out and approach her from behind. I guess I wasn't being stealthy enough because she made eye contact with me through a mirror. Right when I was able to attack her, shots were fired. And then I woke up.

Notable moments
-Not sure why I had this dream
-it looked like a college or university setting

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