February 15, 2024 (6:30 pm ~ 8:10 pm)

3 0 0

I've been watching you

In this dream, I was the only one targeted and it was through my phone. I would get random messages on social media, email, and phone number about someone telling me to do something. "you look pretty today, why don't you do a twirl for me?" "Open your email sweetheart, I have a surprise for you." "I know you're looking at you phone right now. Just grab it already and look what I have to show you." And more and more messages like that. It got so bad, where I'd turn off my phone for days on end and be paranoid whenever I'd be around other people's phones or devices.. It got even worse when I started noticing physical things changing. I'd feel like I'm being watched constantly whenever I'm out. When I'd wake up after as night of rest, I'd find strange and fresh scratches on my body that aren't from me. I finally had enough courage to tell my parents about what's happening to me, so we decided to stay at someone's else's house and contact the police. We tried our best to not use anyone's phones to contact the police, but it was inevitable. We used a house phone to call them up and they showed up at the house, alone with medical personal to help treat my back. Even they ems people told me that whenever I'm on the Internet,  it would honestly be a safe option to browse while having a VPN of some kind on my phone.

Notable moments
~It was like we were staying at one of my coworkers place
~i honestly woke up really freaked out
~I'm scared to fall asleep again because it might continue with the nightmare

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