July 11, 2021 Sunday (10 pm-5:30 am)

6 1 0

A science experiment

In the dream, it seemed like people were doing a test on jungkook's brain. Jungkook was trying to draw something on his arms. But his brain waves were weird. The scientists explained that the chemicals in his brain weren't mixing well together, causing his strange behaviors. Everyone in the room was acting strange. They were either staring off into space or they were acting violent. Jungkook was drawing on his arm and he messed up on one part. He got so upset that he tried to claw off the drawing with scissors.

Notable moments
*it was a very upsetting dream for me
*I got worried about jungkook irl because usually dreams mean something right? So I really wanted to see if he was okay...
*My sister is weirded out with his vivid and strange my dreams are
*She wants me to seek some kind of answers for the dreams I have

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