July 5, 2021 Monday(1:30 pm-3:07 pm)

20 3 0

The global genocide

It was only me and a bunch of strangers within this very old looking villa(?). I was staying in a room with these people that I didn't recognize. It was like I was taken away from my family or something. It was like we were all mixed up. No one knew who anyone was. There was an announcement on the PA system. Something like "stay indoors. Do not come outside. Don't kill others." Something like that. But one of my roommates decided to go out. It was like it triggered everyone else in the building to come out. So many people from different countries and nationalities came out. Someone was speaking Korean, while another person was introducing themselves in french. Everything was fine until we heard a gunshot go over. Then another. And then another. We all began scattering, but I hid behind this fake plant, watching as people turned on each other, one by one. But it was so strange... It was like, a pattern I guess. When one person is murdered, the person next to them suddenly grabs a weapon and attacks another person. The previous murder is then killed by another person who was next to the dead person, before finding their own victim who has not murdered anyone. The newest murderer locked eyes on me, walking towards me slowly with this strange look in his eyes. But before he can kill me, I backed further away, watching as he attacked another person, killing them before the person next to that person got the same look and killed the previous murderer...

Notable moments
*I'm still missing details
*These are all I remember
*It felt like a Netflix movie

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