December 26, 2023 (11:30 am~ 12:55 pm)

3 0 0

Me: weird shit is ha***†*****,

Me and the family were going to target and for some reason target was in a different place but other than that it was fine. Shopped a bit, got stuff etc etc.. When we got to the car though, weird shit started happening. It felt like I was being followed. Idk... I just felt like something off was going on. I decided to text my friend on Instagram. He responded with 'hey how's your day going?' a few hours before and when I tried to type in 'weird shits been happening', it would turn into "***** ***** **** *******" or start deleting the message. When we got home, I was freaking out because I felt like something followed us home. I had the key to the house so I ran to the door and tried to get in but everyone else was still outside. Then my phone started vibrating off with messages. I could read them but it freaked me out even more. I tried to tell my sister to text herself using my phone but it kept going back to normal. I was freaking out even more and hyperventilating. I was loosing my breath and it was like I was gonna pass out. That's when I woke up, breathing quickly.

Notable moments
*I'm still freaking out
*It felt so real

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