August 16, 2023 (7:30 am~ 8:28 am)

6 0 0

Vacation gone wrong

So I had this dream where we went on vacation somewhere. Not sure where but it's not Hawaii. But anyways, in the beginning of the dream, I was having a nightmare that my sister crashed her car. Something about running into a wall because roads were blocked or something. Anyways, we get to our accommodations and it's some kind of cabin theme. I was bunkering with this friend when we found an old camera thing. I started taking photos of the place and outside when I see this elephant staring at the house that I'm in. I found it weird all I told my friend to check it out. When we went out to look, the elephant seemed agitated and began getting ready to charge at the cabin. We scrambled out of there but the elephant was still chasing us. Shortly after running away from that elephant, we stopped near our cars and all the other cars and cabins. We didn't hear the elephant anymore but we saw this scary looking Asian girl, kinda like the grudge, chasing us instead. She kept saying strange things in Korean like "save me" "help me" stuff like that, but she was trying to swipe at me and hurt me. I climbed into a car and began jumping from vehicle to vehicle, but they wouldn't stop chasing me. So my friend tried to lure her to her instead so that I can make a run for it to a bigger car or building. But once I got to the ground, that woman noticed me and began running full speed to me. I woke up before she caught me.

Notable moments
-I woke up drooling and I was panting heavily
-this is a recurring dream, except for the beginning part

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