July 9 2021 Friday (1:30 pm-4:20 pm)

11 1 0

Celebration turned wrong

Me and the fam were in the city celebrating something. We never really go to the city cuz it's too far. This big explosion thing happens near one of the hotels we were staying at and we got separated. I end up going to this old building. The was a lady who owned a lot of cats. She allowed me in so I can rest up in a empty room above hers. I look down and see a bunch of her cats all bloody and dying. This one cat was attacking the other ones and eating the little kittens. Then the cat attacked the owner. The owner eventually got infected or something. She started chasing me, but I ran all the way to the rooftop and jumped to the other building. At this point, I didn't really care where my family was, I just wanted to go home to the country side.I stayed on top of the buildings, jumping from one rooftop to the other until I eventually reached more suburban areas. I still stayed above, jumping from one roof to another until this guy shot another guy that was on the roof next to me.  I ducked down and tried to get unnoticed. When I looked at the body, instead of bullets, it was like you managed to shove a bunch of sharp objects like knives and scissors into a cannon. I grabbed a butch of knives and scissors from the body because I had no weapon. Then when night fell, I ended up staying in a town house. I can hear next door. It sounded like a religious family was praying for their mother's good health and for their unborn baby to be healthy. I eventually heard what sounded like a zombie attacking the family. I can hear the mom pleading for help. She locked herself in a room, already probably hella pregnant and ready to give birth. Eventually, she gave birth on her own, but the door finally broke down and the zombie came in. She begged for the zombie to take her instead, but the zombie ate her baby that was still attached to her umbilical cord.

Notable moments
*Probably loosely based off of "Black Summer", the Netflix series
*The newborn baby being eaten was fucked up, the rest was lit

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