Feb. 1, 2023(1:37 pm~3:39 pm)

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The party

Imagine the biggest party... But for children of monsters. Flying monster children hanging on the ceiling to be close to the disco. Water monsters chilling in the punch. A huge 3 story bunk bed themed lounge for chilling out away from the crowd. Well.... That's where I was. I was on the bottom "bunk", watching as all the introverted monster children scuffle into three lounge with me. I encouraged many of my monster friends to stop being pussies and to go out into the dance floor. For some reason, my friend Hunter didn't show up, but that's fine because I had my other friends. But anyways, I come out of the bunk bed lounge to see my friend screeching for food(she's done kind of half human half squid thing). The food and snack bar is near the bunk beds and right when she turns around, this woman bursts through the door to the party and starts shooting. I managed to duck down and just watch the carnage. The few people dancing on the dance floor was shot multiple times. But then she targeted the bunk bed lounge. First the top bunk. Blood soaked through that one. Then the middle. Even more. The last one... They were basically because showered in blood from the top bunks. The lady threw the automatic down and grabbed a hand gun, simply blasting the pillars of the lounge to make the top bunk fall into the middle, then the middle into the bottom... Squishing everyone who most likely didn't survive the bullets. Then she started to just shoot that pile of dead bodies... Over and over again. Later that day, after being the lone survivor of that party, I found out that that woman was my friend, Hunter's mother. Hunter didn't come to the party because someone from that party actually ran him over and beat him to death...

Notable moments
*In the dream and in real life, I can just feel and hear the guns going off
*This is the first dream of this year that I am truly shaken up by
*I didn't actually see any dead bodies or gory scenes, but it was just a shower of blood and bullets

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