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Katsuki looks down at the greenette that bumped into him, his first thought was, THIS DAMN NERD! But that soon changed when the greenette looked up at him, he... looks adorable, was his next thought. "Sorry Kacchan," Izuku says as he moves to the side to let Katsuki by.

Katsuki just stands there frozen from the greenette's adorableness, he's like a green marshmallow, I just want to eat him up! Katsuki says in his head as he mentally blushes. Izuku just looks at Katsuki as he just stands there, Katsuki notices that Izuku's cheeks are pretty pink.

Katsuki grabs Izuku's arm and drags him to a nook by the stairs that has no one around. He tosses him into the corner, Izuku looks up at him afraid. I feel as though those eyes are piercing through my skin, they're so beautiful though, Katsuki admires Izuku's eyes in his head.

Katsuki leans closer to the greenette, it makes the greenette flinch and that makes Katsuki hesitate. Izuku opens his eyes realizing Katuki wasn't doing anything to him, I can just drown in those gorgeous emerald eyes. Katsuki pulls Izuku's head towards his face, as he realizes how close they are he gets the urge to kiss the greenette.

Katsuki places his lips on the greenette's, he could tell that Izuku was surprised but Izuku then melted into the kiss. Katsuki continues to kiss Izuku not giving either of them much air, Izuku has to force the strong blonde to let him get air. Feeling Katsuki's hot breath against Izuku's skin drove the greenette crazy, Katsuki felt the same way.

Katsuki pulls Izuku back in, the kiss deepens, Katsuki bites Izuku's lip. Izuku knew right away what Katsuki wanted, he opens his mouth a little wider. Katsuki slips his tongue into Izuku's, Izuku fought a bit but soon Katsuki took dominance.

He explored Izuku's mouth, Katsuki places his leg in between Izuku's and raised it so his thigh was against Izuku groin. Izuku's moans quietly from the sensation, Katsuki smirks in the kiss. He then pins Izuku's hands above his head as he continues to eat out Izuku's face.


Uraraka and Todoroki look around trying to find Izuku, they became a little worried after not seeing there friend come back. He was dragged away by Katsuki, Todoroki goes over to the Bakusquad, Uraraka following. The four on the couch look at the two, "Have you seen Midoriya and Bakugou?" Todoroki asks.

The four of them look at one another then back at Todoroki and Uraraka, "We thought Bakugou went back to his room and that Midoriya was with you guys," Kirishima says now a worried drunk.

"Deku got dragged away by Bakugou, we haven't seen either of them since then. It's getting pretty late and people are leaving," Uraraka tells them while almost falling over but Todoroki catches her.

"We should go look for them then call it a night," Mina says as everyone stands up.

Kaminari goes over to the speaker and turns the music off, he then stands on a chair in the center of the room. Sero goes over and supports him so he doesn't fall over, "Party is over! I hope you all had fun," Kaminari announces and gets down from the chair.

Everyone pouts but leaves anyways, the Bakusquad and Uraraka and Todoroki start their hunt. They look around the common room, Uraraka remembers that there is a nook that is near the stairs that isn't very noticeable. She gasps and grabs everyone, they all run to the nook, they look in and see Katsuki's back.

But there were arms trying to take off his shirt, and there was a shirt already on the floor. Uraraka picks up the shirt, she recognizes it as Izuku's, she almost starts giggling. Kirishima also recognizes the shirt and taps Katsuki's shoulder, he turns around in an instant. He growls at Kirishima, Kirishima steps back trying not to laugh.

A Dorm Party Remake | BakuDeku |Where stories live. Discover now