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Christmas was growing near and many were packing their bags to spend time with their families for the holidays. Izuku had all his bags packed and was waiting in the common area for his mom to pick him up. He was with Uraraka and they were chatting like there was no tomorrow, that was until Katsuki came down.

Izuku glances at him and froze, Katsuki glares at the greenette as he places his bags at the door. He then sits on a different couch then Izuku and Uraraka, "Aunt Inko wanted me to tell you that my old hag will be giving you a ride home today, nerd," Katsuki says as he pulls out his phone.

"Huh? But my mom said she'll be able to pick me up today," Izuku says as he looks at his phone.

"The old hag had to fucking say that you can carpool with us, then she had to invite you two dinner. Next thing I know you'll be fucking spending the night, knowing my fucking mother," he says as he looks at his phone the whole time.

"Ok, I'll be sure to thank your mother then," Izuku says as he and Uraraka start chatting again. Uraraka was soon picked up, it was then just Izuku and Katsuki left in the common area. It was silent between them since they were both on their phones, until Izuku decides to break the silence. "Are you going to come back for the new years party, Kacchan?"

"Yeah, the old hag is making me since she wants me to have more people interaction in my life, it fucking annoying," Katsuki says as he looks up from his phone to look at Izuku.

"I'm sure it's going to be fun though," Izuku says to hopefully make the blonde feel better about the event.

"Still no, I don't wanna go to any fucking party," the blonde says.

"Is is because of the party we had a while ago?" Izuku asks.

"No, I didn't even want to go to that one but you guys were so loud it was hard to avoid it," Katsuki says.

"Well... you can always avoid this upcoming party too. I'm sure it won't be as much of a riot as the other one, you know since no alcohol will be involved," Izuku points out.

"I guess," Katsuki says as he gets a massage. "The old hag is here, get your shit." The duo grab their bags and head to Mitsuki's car, they load the car and get in. Mitsuki smiles at the two, Katsuki just scoffs and put his seat belt on which earned him a slap in the back of the head. Izuku happily smiles back since he hasn't seen Mitsuki in a long time, to him she was the same as always.

"How have you been Izuku? Katsuki doesn't tell me anything anymore so I know nothing on how you've been," Mitsuki says as she leaves the parking lot. 

"I'm not bad, what about you Mitsuki?" Izuku asks keeping the conversation going.

"I'm great," the two continue talking as Katsuki plays a game on his phone completely ignoring the conversation in the car. They arrive at the Bakugou household, Izuku becomes a bit confused. "Your mother is here in case you were wondering," Mitsuki tells the greenette.

The boys take their bags out of the car and go inside the house, Katsuki goes straight to his room. Izuku just leaves his bag against the wall in the entry, he goes into the kitchen and finds his mother cooking. "Mom!" he happily says and runs to Inko to give her a hug.

"Izuku," she says as she hugs her son. The two quickly start talking about everything and anything, Mitsuki happily joins in too. Katsuki was in his room ignoring that the people on the floor below him exist. He unpacks his bag and happily lays on his bed, he was actually pretty happy to be home only if Izuku wasn't there he would be happier.

"Why are we having dinner here?" Izuku asks as he helps his mom and Mitsuki cook.

"It was a last minute decision on our part but we thought we could spend a day during the holidays together like when you were younger," Mitsuki says. Ooh, Kacchan isn't going to be very pleased.

"Could you go get Katsuki dear?" Inko asks her son, he gets nervous but nods. He goes upstairs and knocks on Katsuki's door, it was always easy to find his room since it had a sign on the door saying in big bold words 'FUCK OFF'.

Katsuki opens the door harshly and glares at Izuku, "What the fuck do you want shitty nerd?" Katsuki asks as the greenette nervously stares at the blonde.

"Uh... dinner is almost ready," Izuku says as Katsuki moves the greenette to the side and walks past him. Izuku follows behind, Mitsuki has already put the plates of food on the table. It was a simple curry dish, Izuku sits down and his mother sits beside him. Mitsuki forces Katsuki to sit beside her which is across from Izuku, Masaru then sit at one of the ends.

"Itadakimasu," they all say before digging in. Well, Katsuki mumbles it which earned him an elbow in the side from his mother. Izuku happily ate, it had the love of his mother and his aunt Mitsuki in it. "This is delicious, thank you!" Izuku says as he was half way through the dish.

"I'm glad you like it, dear," Inko says as she flattens a piece of Izuku's hair that was bothering her.

"Ah, I just remembered. Inko and I were thinking that since we're having dinner like old times, you two could have a sleepover like old times," Mitsuki happily suggests. Izuku drops his chopsticks and quickly looks away from Katsuki, on the other hand, the blonde choked on his mouthful of food.

He quickly swallowed and turned to his mother, "NO WAY IN HELL ARE WE HAVING A SLEEPOVER!" he yells as his mother slaps him in the back of the head.

"DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!" she yells back at her son.

"If I may say... I agree with Kacchan. We're teenagers and kind of... grown apart so it'll just be very awkward," Izuku silently says but everyone heard him.

"Oh, don't be like Izuku! This can now be a time that you two can get to know each other again," Mitsuki says as Inko nods along. Izuku and Katsuki quickly look at Masaru for at least something, he was no help since he just shrugs. "Well, since you two aren't saying anything we'll take that as a yes. So, Izuku go take your stuff upstairs to Katsuki's room once you're done eating and Katsuki get out the futon."

The two sigh and finish eating their food, Masaru took care of the dishes as the greenette and blonde boy go upstairs. Izuku followed Katsuki into his neat and clean room, Katsuki grabs the futon from his closet. Izuku sets aside his bag somewhere in the room, Katsuki then throws sheets on the futon and lays on his bed.

Izuku was about to say something but Katsuki interrupts him, "Don't say shit, this is only one fucking night. Act like you do at home, so just act like I'm not here and I'll act like your not here. I'll take a fucking bath first," Katsuki says as he leaves the room.

This is going to be a long night...

Half-edited, sorry for mistakes.

Word count: 1263

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