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The second of January came, the day the Dekusquad decided to hang out and skate. Izuku searches around his room for his skates and helmet, he luckily finds them. He goes downstairs where Iida already has all his things, "Morning Iida!"

"Good morning Midoriya, ready for a fun day?" Iida asks while taking Midoriya's skates for him.

"You bet!" the greenette happily says. Izuku then puts his coat down along with his hat and mitts, he's truly excited for today.

"Good morning Todoroki, you ready to skate?" Iida asks when Todoroki appears in the common area. Izuku's excitement quickly fades upon hearing the dual-haired boy's name, he forgot that Todoroki's coming.

"Yes, it shall be a fun day," Todoroki says as he smiles at the greenette.

"Oh no..." Izuku mumbles to himself.

"What's the matter Midoriya?" Iida asks the greenette.

"I think I forgot something," the greenette says as he runs to the elevator that Uraraka just came out of. "Hi Uraraka," he quickly says as he switches spots with her.

"Morning, Deku," she says as she goes over to Iida and Todoroki. Izuku gets to Katsuki's floor and runs to the blonde's door only to find Kirishima there as well.

"Hey Midoriya," he says and Izuku jumps a bit.

"H-hi Kirishima," Izuku says as the redhead knocks on the door.

"You need Bakubro too?" he asks and the greenette nods.

"What the hell do you want Shitty Hair... and Deku?" Katsuki asks once he opens the door.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out," Kirishima says.

"I need to talk to you about... you know who," Izuku says and Katsuki just lets both of them in.

"Deku, go first," Katsuki says as he lays down on his bed.

"Oh, ok... well, before winter break me, Iida, Uraraka... and Todoroki made plans to go skating today. But as you know Todoroki is trying many ways to get with me and I was wondering if you could come along..." Izuku trailed off.

"What a great idea Midoriya! We can join you guys," Kirishima says while looking at Katsuki.

Katsuki thought for a while and finally says, "Fine."

"Thank you, Kacchan! And thank you, Kirishima," Izuku shows the redhead a big smile that made the blonde a bit jealous. Izuku and Kirishima leave Katsuki's room and the blonde searches for his skates, he finds them and grabs a jacket. When he leaves Kirishima also leaves his room, Katsuki glances at the redhead.

"I'm going to grab Kami, Sero, and Mina. I'll meet you down there Bakubro," Kirishima says as he runs away.

"QUIT CALLING ME THAT!" Katsuki shouts as he enters the elevator. He goes down to the common room and walks over to where Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Izuku were. 

"Kacchan!" Izuku says with a smile.

"Midoriya informed me that you plus Kirishima will be joining us," Iida says with his robotic arms.

"And the other dumbasses," Katsuki states as he puts his things down.

"Others? ...Oh! You mean Kaminari, Sero, and Mina?" Uraraka asks and the blonde boy nods. The other 'dumbasses' that Katsuki said soon joined and they left to the outdoor skate rink which was a twenty minute walk from the school.

When they get there they find an empty picnic table, they all get their skates on there. Soon everyone gets on the ice, Uraraka happily skates with Iida... mostly holding onto him for balance. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina skate all together in a group while doing ridiculous things making them fall over often. Katsuki did his own thing and Izuku tries to get his balance which made Todoroki skate over to him.

"Need help Midoriya?" Todoroki asks as he scares the greenette.

"O-oh, Todoroki... nope. I'm ok," Izuku says so the dual-haired boy would leave him be.

"Are you sure, I can help," Todoroki says while grabbing Izuku's waist which did help the greenette balance but Izuku didn't want Todoroki touching him.

"U-uh, no... no thank you," Izuku says as he tries to take Todoroki's hands off his waist.

"Come on Midoriya, I'm helping you," Todoroki says as he smiles and starts skating backwards while taking Midoriya with him.

"Todoroki, please let go," Izuku says while trying to push the dual-haired boy's hands off him. Todoroki's grip tightens as he continues to skate, they skate near Katsuki who notices Izuku trying to take Todoroki's hands off his waist. Izuku then trips which takes Todoroki with him, Izuku falls on his back as Todoroki lands on top of him.

Todoroki places his hands next to Izuku's head as he pushes himself off the greenette, he looks down at the greenette. A blush present on his face, Izuku looks at Todoroki and tries to get away. Todoroki grabs Izuku hands and pins them above his head, he then leans down to kiss the greenette.

"Todoroki stop! Let go of me! Todo-" Izuku gets cut off when Todoroki's lips lightly pressed on the greenette's. But the angry blonde quickly pushes Todoroki off of the greenette, Katsuki pulls Izuku up on his feet and drags him away. "Thank you, Kacchan."

"Yeah, whatever," Katsuki says as he continues to skate. Izuku skates after him, "What do you want nerd?"

"Can I... skate with you?" Izuku asks as a bit of pink appears on his cheeks.

Katsuki notices the pink cheeks and can feel his heating up, "Sure... do what you want."

"Ok!" Izuku says happily as he skates beside Katsuki. Soon everyone was ready to go, they take off their skates and head back to the dorm. Once inside Iida announces that he'll make everyone hot chocolate, they all stay in the common room for the hot chocolate except one who's going to the elevator.

"Todoroki, don't you want some hot chocolate?" Kirishima asks the dual-haired boy.

"No, I'm alright," he says while pointing to his left side.

"Oh right, you can warm yourself up," Kirishima says as Todoroki gets in the elevator. Iida gives everyone a mug of hot chocolate, they happily sit on the couches chatting and drinking hot chocolate. Izuku actually sits beside Katsuki and leans against him too, the blonde ignores the greenette while everyone stays quiet about it even though on the inside they're all screaming: THEY NEED TO GET TOGETHER!

Izuku then looks at Katsuki, "Thank you for helping me, Kacchan," Izuku says while smiling.

"Yea, you're welcome or... whatever," Katsuki says while looking away with a bit of a blush. Kirishima quickly leans over to Kaminari, they glance at the greenette and blonde before speaking.

"When school starts again we're starting the plan immediately, I can't stand their obliviousness," Kirishima whispers as Kaminari nods in agreement.

Half-edited, sorry for mistakes.

Word count: 1123

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