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The two childhood friends sit across from each other, they're in absolute silence. But a certain blonde gets annoyed by the ongoing silence, "Are you going to fucking talk?" he asks as Izuku jumps at the sudden loud voice.

"R-right, sorry Kacchan. Um... let's start with Todoroki, he was the one that spiked my drinks last night. Um and I'm sure you know that he's trying to... get with me, I know that you heard our conversation in the locker room. So you know that he's always trying something, I think because of my first time being drunk and being all over you. He thought that he could try to manipulate me in my drunken state... you seemed to of caught onto his plan though. So... I wanna say thank you," the greenette says while trying not to mumble.

"Your thanking me?" Katsuki asks as he looks a bit confused.

"Yes, I am," Izuku says as he smiles at the blonde.

"Then you're welcome but you did cause me a lot of trouble," Katsuki says while crossing his arms.

"O-oh, I'm sorry Kacchan," Izuku says as he looks down in shame.

"Now what else did you want to talk about nerd?" Katsuki asks while leaning back onto the wall.

"Um... uh, about... uh," Izuku stutters over his words as he tries talk.

"Ugh, just spit it out dumbass," Katsuki says since he finds Izuku's stuttering annoying.

"Us..." Izuku mumbles but Katsuki hears him.

"What about us?" Katsuki asks, why is he suddenly oblivious? Izuku asks himself.

"How the first time we were drunk... we were making out in a corner and all over each other. Then now again but just me drunk, I was all over you. Don't you think that means something?" Izuku asks as Katsuki thinks for a second.

"I don't think that has anything to our real feelings, we must like different people right?" Katsuki asks while he stares at Izuku in hopes that there isn't actually any feelings between them. Even though deep down he wishes for Izuku to say that he likes him, after the kiss last night his feelings have been all over the place.

"Oh, of course... we like other people. Yeah, I like..." Izuku pauses to think. Katsuki watches him closely, "I like Kirishima," Izuku lies. The greenette thought of the first person and that was the redhead in the dorm next to them... who has his ear on the blonde's door. When he saw Izuku enter the blonde's dorm, he just had to know.

"Midoriya likes me?" Kirishima asks himself as he continues to listens.

"Shitty hair? Really? He's as dumb as a rock though," Katsuki says as Izuku chuckles a bit.

"Yeah but that gives him charm... you know?" Izuku says and Katsuki just shrugs. "What about you Kacchan?"

Katsuki freezes to think, "It's that... purpled haired-" Katsuki starts his lie.

"Jirou?" Izuku interrupts.

"No... it's a dude, I think you fought him in the sports festival," Katsuki recalls.

"Oh, Shinsou! You like him? Never saw you two interact," Izuku remembers.

"Every so often I would find him in the halls and he's not bad to talk to," Katsuki lies more.

"Ah, I'm glad you're talking to people Kacchan," Izuku says happily even though he's actually a bit sad. "Hey! I have an idea, why don't I help you get with Shinsou... and you help me get with Kirishima?"

"Ugh, I guess. When do we start?" Katsuki agrees.

"Um, whenever... I guess," Izuku responds. It then goes quiet between them as they look away from each other, Izuku really didn't like that he's lying to Katsuki. But he just couldn't say the truth, he couldn't say that it's possible he likes him. "Um... well, I'm going to get going."

Izuku stands up and goes to the door, Kirishima quickly runs away from hearing the whole conversation. "See ya, nerd," Katsuki says from his bed.

"Yep, bye Kacchan," Izuku leaves as he walks down the hallway a pout is painted on his face. He goes to his room and flops on his bed, "Ugh, I'm such an idiot... why couldn't I say it? Ahhhh."


Kirishima smiles as he goes downstairs to the common area, the whole bakusquard plus Iida and Tsu were there. "Guys! I'm going to need all of your help," Kirishima says as he jumps over the couch to sit next to Mina.

"What's up Kiri?" Mina asks as Kirishima smirks a bit.

"So... I overheard this conversation between Midoriya and Bakubro, it was so obvious that they both are lying. Ok, let me start from the beginning. We know that at mine and Kami's party Midoriya and Bakubro were all over each other, apparently Midoriya was drunk last night. I don't have any details on that but he was also all over Bakubro yesterday, so it's obvious they like each other," Kirishima says while leaving out that it was Todoroki that got Izuku drunk.

"So they were chatting because Midoriya wanted to chat and who they like came up, Midoriya said me and Bakubro said Shinsou. They're both lying, Bakubro has never talked to Shinsou," Kirishima adds on.

"Yeah, I don't ever recall him talking to my boyfriend," Kaminari says as everyone's eyes and mouth go wide.

"Shinsou's... your boyfriend?" everyone but the blonde asks.

"Oh shit, I wasn't supposed to say that yet..." Kaminari says looking away.

"Ok, this makes this so much easier! We need to figure out a way to get them together," Kirishima says as he throws an arm around Mina. "And I might as well say that Mina and I are together."

"Ooh, this is quite exciting kero," Tsu says while poking her cheek.

"Ok, step one! We need a plan, anyone got any ideas?" Kirishima starts.

"Well, first off Kaminari should tell Shinsou about this," Iida says.

"There we go, step one establish. Kami, call Shinsou!" Kirishima says as he points to the blonde.

"Aye aye!" Kaminari says while taking his phone out.

Half-edited, sorry for mistakes.

Word count: 1009

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