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"It's... it's um, you."

Katsuki froze on the spot, he didn't expect to hear that. He takes some breaths and collects his thoughts, he was not expecting Izuku to have feelings for him. For a moment he thought it would be Iida or even worse... Todoroki. "Me?" the blonde responds.

"Yeah... I wasn't sure at first but now I know for certain. Being drunk just revealed my feelings for you and I had to understand that when sober, I'm sorry Kacchan. I'm probably not the person you want confessing to you like this..." Izuku says with a pout.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on! So you're actually saying that you... like me?" Katsuki asked and Izuku nodded with a hint of red on his cheeks. "HOLY FUCK!" The cafe's attention quickly went to the duo, which made Izuku nervous.

"Oh, sorry about him," Izuku quickly stood up and bowed to them. Everyone then went back to what they were doing, Izuku's attention went back to the blonde in front of him. Katsuki has his face in his hands and Izuku could tell from the vibrations in the floor that he was tapping his foot.

"I have no idea what to fucking say," the blonde says as he finally looks up at the greenette.

"If you need to you can reply to me later," Izuku says since the blonde's a mess.

"Yeah," Katsuki says as he takes a sip from his boba. The two finish their boba and leave the cafe, Katsuki then dragged Izuku to a store. "Get something you want."

"Huh? Why?" Izuku asks as the blonde shoves him into the store.

"We need an excuse for leaving the group, dumbass," Katsuki says and Izuku nods. Luckily he finds something and buys it, they then find the group again. They look at the two and sigh in relief, Uraraka just smiles hoping something good happened in the cafe.

"Where were you two?" Iida asks while his robot arms fly everywhere.

"The nerd found something he wanted and ran off, I followed him," Katsuki responds.

"Why would you follow Midoriya, kero?" Tsu asks.

"I felt like he would get lost and I didn't want to spend extra hours here at this loser mall trying to find him," Katsuki says and Kirishima chuckles.

"We can always expect that from Bakubro," Kirishima says as the group carries on. They walk around the mall more and Kirishima leaned over to Jirou, "Hey, it's your turn." Kirishima points to a store and Jirou nodded.

"Hey guys!" Jirou shouts to get their attention. "Why not do some karaoke?" she points to the karaoke place. Mina quickly runs to it and Kirishima follows and soon everyone follows, they book a room and get situated in the room. Jirou starts and soon everyone writes their name to go next, Izuku is after Jirou.

Once Jirou finishes she passes the mic to Izuku who takes it and picks his song, he starts singing and the room goes silent. He finishes and his friends quickly applaud, Iida mentioned to Kirishima that Izuku can sing but he didn't know he's that good. Izuku sits back down and Mina takes the mic since she's next.

"Your voice is still as beautiful as when I first heard it," Katsuki whispers to Izuku who quickly blushes and hides his face.

They finish karaoke and Kirishima tries more of the plans he made to get the greenette and the blonde together, unfortunately nothing worked. So the redhead gave up and they went back to the dorm, Iida decides he'll make dinner for everyone. Uraraka decides to help him and Katsuki invades since he's hungry and wants his food edible.

They eat dinner and go their own ways, both Izuku and Katsuki goes to their rooms. When Izuku enters his he locks the door and runs to his bed, he dives into his pillow and screams. "I actually told Kacchan the truth... AHHHH! I'm so nervous, he's definitely going to reject me. Why wouldn't he?"

Izuku then sits up and goes to his desk and gets a notepad, "Ok, I need to make a rejection list. I need ice cream, feel good movies and TV shows, chips, tissues, uhhh... teddy bear!" Izuku writes as much stuff as he could until someone knocks on his door, Izuku stops writing and goes to the door.

He unlocks it and opens the door, "Hey nerd," Katsuki says as he stands at the door.

"Kacchan? What are you doing here?" Izuku asks and Katsuki rubs the back of his head.

"Can I come in?" the blonde asks and and Izuku nods. Katsuki walks in and sits down on Izuku's bed, the greenette sits beside him. The two were silent for a bit, Izuku plays with his thumbs as the blonde thinks. I came here after one stupid thought, damn it Katsuki! the blondes shouts in his head.

"U-um, Kacchan why are you here?" Izuku asks while keeping his gaze on his hands.

"I have a reply," Katsuki says wiping his hands on his pants since they were sweating a lot. He knows that the greenette likes him but he's still nervous, he takes a deep breath. "I... like you too," he finally says.

"Wait, you do? What about Shinsou?" Izuku asks.

"What about Kirishima?" Katsuki asks in return. 

Izuku chuckles, "That was a lie," Izuku says.

"Mine was too," Katsuki admits. They both laugh at the conquincidence, it then goes silent again. Izuku decides to finally look at Katsuki, he becomes surprised when he sees the blush on the blonde's cheeks. The blonde then looks at Izuku and his freckled cheeks turn red, their eyes didn't leave each other's.

Izuku opens his mouth to say something, the blonde then quickly hugs Izuku making Izuku close his mouth. The greenette hugs Katsuki back and they stay like that for a while, Katsuki then starts playing with Izuku's curly hair making the greenette laugh.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Katsuki suggests and Izuku smiles.

"And cuddle?" Izuku asks and Katsuki half-smiles.

"Sure," that's all Katsuki has to say to get the greenette happy and motivated. Izuku sets up a movie and Katsuki sits with his back against Izuku's headboard, Izuku then crawls into Katsuki lap. They then watch a movie together while little butterflies danced in their stomachs. 

"Babe, I need to talk to All Might so I'll be back later," Uraraka says to her boyfriend.

"Ok, see you later," Iida responds. The brunette runs off to the school and enters a private room where All Might sits.

"I have good news!" Uraraka says and All Might claps his hands. The brunette takes a seat and starts, "Ok first, Kaminari and Shinsou are together! Second, I told you that I thought Mina had a crush on Kirishima well... they're actually going out! Third - which I find the best - today at the mall I found Bakugou and Deku talking in a cafe. That's of course strange since they're not on the greatest of terms, so I'm thinking something happened! I'm going to pry it out of Deku."

"Ooh, how exciting. Please keep me posted," All Might says and Uraraka laughs.

"I should start calling you Gossip Might now," she says as he laughs with her.

Half-edited, sorry for mistakes.

Word count: 1220

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