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Katsuki wakes up with a splitting headache, he gets out of bed and finds some Tylenol to help his headache. He then lays back down on his bed, he remembers a lot from last night, too much for his liking. I can't believe I was fucking making out with that damn nerd last night!

After a long discussion in his head, he realizes he was the one that initiated the whole situation. He knows he can't really blame Izuku but he was still angry with the nerd since he didn't fight back. He leaves his room and enters the elevator, when the elevator opens he instantly spots Izuku. Izuku quickly ducks under the table, he knows, a 'tch' leaves Katsuki's mouth as he walks over to the table.

Katsuki yells at Izuku to meet him outside, he stomps towards the door knowing that Izuku is following. Katsuki stops and turns around facing a scared Izuku, Katsuki could tell the class was watching them. They are probably watching out for a fight, Aizawa might be close by too.

"K-Kacchan...w-what did you want to talk about?" Izuku asks watching Katsuki carefully.

"What happened last night, you and I are going to forget and never speak of it again. Got it?" Katsuki scowls as he got really close to Izuku's face.

"Y-yes, Kacchan. B-but can I ask something first?" Izuku asks blushing.

"What is it, NERD?!" Katsuki yells backing away from Izuku.

" you have a reason for why you d-did that?" Izuku hesitates before he is able to ask the question.

Katsuki grabs Izuku's collar and pulls him closer, "I WAS DRUNK YOU DAMN NERD! I DON'T FUCKING KNOW THE REASON!" Katsuki yells in Izuku's face making him flinch.

"R-right! Sorry," Izuku says quickly.

Katsuki stands there for a minute glaring at the greenette, he messes up his hair a bit with one hand while the other was in his pocket. "I'm only going to say this once... I'm sorry. For coming onto you last night... or whatever," Katsuki practically whispers the whole thing.

He didn't know what overcame himself, but he felt the need to apologize to Izuku. Izuku, on the other hand, fell on the ground thinking that Katsuki was messing with him. He couldn't understand what overcame Katsuki, but Izuku just stares at Katsuki.

Katsuki starts walking back to the dorm when he turns back around, "We need to keep our relationship as rivals while keeping OFA a secret. We need to keep our fights in class as well, a fight that happens after last night would be pointless," Katsuki says in a cool manner while placing a hand on the dorm door. "SAY ANYTHING TO ANYONE THOUGH AND I WILL KILL YOU!"

Izuku just nods as fast as he can as Katsuki walks back into the dorm, "Shitty hair, your room now," Katsuki demands walking past him. Kirishima just quickly nods and looks back at Izuku before following Katsuki.

Izuku stands back up when Uraraka and Todoroki come to help him, Izuku looks over to Uraraka. "I need to have a talk with you, Todoroki you're welcome to come too," Izuku says still in shock. Uraraka and Todoroki look at one another and nod, they go inside and to the elevator.

Iida then comes after them, he checks Izuku all over making sure he is okay. Izuku ensures Iida that he's fine and the three carry on with going to Izuku's room. Once in his room Izuku collapses on his bed, Uraraka sits beside him, Todoroki sits on the desk chair, and Iida leans against the wall. "So what's up Deku?" Uraraka asks rubbing Izuku's back making Todoroki a little mad.

"Well, Kacchan talked to me about yesterday and said to forget it and not speak of it again. After that, I tried asking him about why he did what he did and his only reason why was because he was drunk," Izuku says lifting his away from his pillow to speak clearly.

A Dorm Party Remake | BakuDeku |Where stories live. Discover now